openapi: 3.0.2 info: title: Digital fingerprint of plastics - API version: 1.0.0 description: | This API gives access to the project database.
Access is restricted. Authentication can be obtained with HTTP Basic Auth using username and password. Data access methods can also be accessed using an API key at the URL ending like ?key=xxx
The description lists available authentication methods, also the locks of each method close correspondingly if the entered authentication is allowed.

There are a number of different user levels:
Password policy: servers: - url: http://localhost:3000 description: local server - url: description: server on the BIC security: - ApiKey: [] - BasicAuth: [] tags: - name: / - name: /sample - name: /material - name: /condition - name: /measurement - name: /template - name: /model - name: /user paths: allOf: - $ref: 'others.yaml' - $ref: 'sample.yaml' - $ref: 'material.yaml' - $ref: 'condition.yaml' - $ref: 'measurement.yaml' - $ref: 'template.yaml' - $ref: 'model.yaml' - $ref: 'user.yaml' components: parameters: $ref: 'parameters.yaml' schemas: $ref: 'schemas.yaml' responses: $ref: 'responses.yaml' securitySchemes: BasicAuth: type: http scheme: basic ApiKey: type: apiKey in: query name: key