import swagger from 'swagger-ui-express'; import jsonRefParser, {JSONSchema} from '@apidevtools/json-schema-ref-parser'; import oasParser from '@apidevtools/swagger-parser'; // modifies the normal swagger-ui-express package // usage: app.use('/api', api.serve(), api.setup()); // the paths property can be split using allOf // further route documentation can be included in the x-doc property export default class api { static serve () { return swagger.serve; } static setup () { let apiDoc: JSONSchema = {}; jsonRefParser.bundle('api/api.yaml', (err, doc) => { // parse yaml if(err) throw err; apiDoc = doc; apiDoc.paths = apiDoc.paths.allOf.reduce((s, e) => Object.assign(s, e)); // bundle routes apiDoc = this.resolveXDoc(apiDoc); oasParser.validate(apiDoc, (err, api) => { if (err) { console.error(err); } else {'API ok, version ' +; swagger.setup(apiDoc); } }); }); return swagger.setup(apiDoc, {customCssUrl: '/static/styles/swagger.css'}) } private static resolveXDoc (doc) { // resolve x-doc properties recursively Object.keys(doc).forEach(key => { if (doc[key] !== null && doc[key].hasOwnProperty('x-doc')) { doc[key].description += this.addHtml(doc[key]['x-doc']); } else if (typeof doc[key] === 'object' && doc[key] !== null) { // go deeper into recursion doc[key] = this.resolveXDoc(doc[key]); } }); return doc; } private static addHtml (text) { // add docs HTML return '
docs' + text + '
'; } }