<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>DeFinMaDB - Introduction</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/styles_global.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/styles.css"> </head> <body> <textarea id="source">[//]: # (Title: DeFinMaDB - Introduction) [//]: # (Date: 2020/08/07) class: title # DeFinMaDB - Introduction --- class: content, theme-dark-green layout: true # General --- ## Information .text[ - The database frontend is located at .small-link[[https://definma.apps.de1.bosch-iot-cloud.com](https://definma.apps.de1.bosch-iot-cloud.com)] - User accounts can only be created by admins. The initial password is either given to you or can be retrieved by using the _Forgot password_ function - Please report all bugs using the dedicated button at the top and sending the generated email .img-page[] ] --- ## Settings .text[ - User settings and logout can be found by clicking on the top left avatar icon - User credentials are stored so re-login should not be necessary for every session .img-page[] ] --- ## Documentation .text[ - Find important background information as well as further resources of the whole project - You can also rewatch this presentation in the documentation tab .img-page[] ] --- class: content, theme-turquoise layout: true # Samples --- ## Samples .text[ - Samples are listed in pages - Using the arrows next to the table headers, samples can be sorted - Sample details can be invoked by clicking on the sample row .img-page[] ] --- ## Sample details .text[ - All information regarding the sample - click outside the dialog to close it .img-page[] ] --- ## Sample filters .text[ - The filters dialog can be expanded to reveal all settings - The sample fields to be displayed can be selected - Filters can be applied to the current view .img-page[] ] --- ## Download samples .text[ - Users with dev and admin level can download the current view in CSV or JSON format .img-page[] ] --- ## Download samples .text[ - Users with dev and admin level can download the current view in CSV or JSON format - In JSON format spectra can be included by using the checkbox .img-page[] ] --- ## Edit and validate samples .text[ - The samples can be edited by clicking on the pencil symbol - For deleted samples there will be a symbol to restore the sample - Users with dev and admin level can enter validation mode using the top left button - The samples to validate can be selected, and the selection is confirmed by clicking the _Validate_ button again .img-page[] ] --- ## Add samples .text[ - When adding a new sample, a material can be selected from the list, or a new material can be entered - Further, sample properties can be entered accordingly .img-page[] ] --- ## Add samples .text[ - Other samples can be referenced - Additional properties can be entered in an ordered format, allowing for better processing of these values than in the comment field. Therefore, this feature should be used preferably - Multiple samples can be created using the entered base information .img-page[] ] --- ## Add samples .text[ - After generation an overview is displayed .img-page[] ] --- ## Add samples .text[ - After generation an overview is displayed - Followed by the generated sample numbers - For each generated sample condition and measurements can be entered individually .img-page[] ] --- ## Add samples .text[ - A condition can be selected from the given list - The input is automatically validated .img-page[] ] --- ## Add samples .text[ - Multiple measurements can be added or deleted - You can upload multiple spectrum files into one measurement. They are expanded into multiple measurements automatically. - When all available values are entered, the samples can be saved. .img-page[] ] --- class: content, theme-dark-blue layout: true # Dev/admin dialogs --- ## Templates .text[ - Dev and admin users can add and edit the templates for materials, conditions and measurements. - Templates are versioned to ensure integrity with existing data .img-page[] ] --- ## Edit template .text[ - The templates can be edited and properties can be added or removed - The range is specified in JSON and can add the following properties for validation: - _min_ of a number - _max_ of a number - _values_ for a set of allowed values - _type: 'array'_ for spectra upload .img-page[] ] --- ## Users .text[ - Admins can add new users and edit user details (except passwords) .img-page[] ] --- class: content, theme-dark-green layout: true # That's all --- ## Got everything? .text[ <br><br><br><br><a href="https://definma.apps.de1.bosch-iot-cloud.com" class="go-btn"><button>Great! Lets Go!</button></a><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> - Otherwise drop a message - [lukas.veit@bosch.com](mailto:lukas.veit@bosch.com?subject=Question regarding DeFinMaDB) ]</textarea> <script src="assets/remark-latest.min.js"> </script> <script> let slideshow = remark.create({ ratio: '16:9', slideNumberFormat: '%current% <div class="footer"><span class="intern">Intern</span>| CR/APS1 | 2020/08/07</div>', countIncrementalSlides: false }); </script> </body> </html>