/help/{key}: parameters: - $ref: 'api.yaml#/components/parameters/Key' get: summary: get help text for key description: 'Auth: basic, levels: predict, read, write, dev, admin, depending on the set document level' tags: - /help responses: 200: description: the required text content: application/json: schema: $ref: 'api.yaml#/components/schemas/Help' 403: $ref: 'api.yaml#/components/responses/403' 404: $ref: 'api.yaml#/components/responses/404' 500: $ref: 'api.yaml#/components/responses/500' post: summary: add/replace help text description: 'Auth: basic, levels: dev, admin
If the given key exists, the item is replaced, otherwise it is newly created' tags: - /help requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: 'api.yaml#/components/schemas/Help' responses: 200: $ref: 'api.yaml#/components/responses/Ok' 400: $ref: 'api.yaml#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: 'api.yaml#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: 'api.yaml#/components/responses/403' 500: $ref: 'api.yaml#/components/responses/500' delete: summary: remove help text description: 'Auth: basic, levels: dev, admin' tags: - /help responses: 200: $ref: 'api.yaml#/components/responses/Ok' 401: $ref: 'api.yaml#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: 'api.yaml#/components/responses/403' 404: $ref: 'api.yaml#/components/responses/404' 500: $ref: 'api.yaml#/components/responses/500'