891 lines
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891 lines
37 KiB
import express from 'express';
import _ from 'lodash';
import SampleValidate from './validate/sample';
import NoteFieldValidate from './validate/note_field';
import res400 from './validate/res400';
import SampleModel from '../models/sample'
import MeasurementModel from '../models/measurement';
import MeasurementTemplateModel from '../models/measurement_template';
import MaterialModel from '../models/material';
import NoteModel from '../models/note';
import NoteFieldModel from '../models/note_field';
import IdValidate from './validate/id';
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
import ConditionTemplateModel from '../models/condition_template';
import ParametersValidate from './validate/parameters';
import db from '../db';
import csv from '../helpers/csv';
import flatten from '../helpers/flatten';
import globals from '../globals';
const router = express.Router();
router.get('/samples', async (req, res, next) => {
if (!req.auth(res, ['read', 'write', 'dev', 'admin'], 'all')) return;
const {error, value: filters} = SampleValidate.query(req.query, ['dev', 'admin'].indexOf(req.authDetails.level) >= 0);
if (error) return res400(error, res);
// spectral data and csv not allowed for read/write users
if ((filters.fields.find(e => e.indexOf('.' + globals.spectrum.dpt) >= 0) || filters.output !== 'json') &&
!req.auth(res, ['dev', 'admin'], 'all')) return;
// evaluate sort parameter from 'color-asc' to ['color', 1]
filters.sort = filters.sort.split('-');
filters.sort[0] = filters.sort[0] === 'added' ? '_id' : filters.sort[0]; // route added sorting criteria to _id
filters.sort[1] = filters.sort[1] === 'desc' ? -1 : 1;
if (!filters['to-page']) { // set to-page default
filters['to-page'] = 0;
const addedFilter = filters.filters.find(e => e.field === 'added');
if (addedFilter) { // convert added filter to object id
filters.filters.splice(filters.filters.findIndex(e => e.field === 'added'), 1);
if (addedFilter.mode === 'in') {
const v = []; // query value
addedFilter.values.forEach(value => {
const date = [new Date(value).setHours(0,0,0,0), new Date(value).setHours(23,59,59,999)];
v.push({$and: [{ _id: { '$gte': dateToOId(date[0])}}, { _id: { '$lte': dateToOId(date[1])}}]});
filters.filters.push({mode: 'or', field: '_id', values: v});
else if (addedFilter.mode === 'nin') {
addedFilter.values = addedFilter.values.sort();
const v = []; // query value
for (let i = 0; i <= addedFilter.values.length; i ++) {
v[i] = {$and: []};
if (i > 0) {
const date = new Date(addedFilter.values[i - 1]).setHours(23,59,59,999);
v[i].$and.push({ _id: { '$gt': dateToOId(date)}}) ;
if (i < addedFilter.values.length) {
const date = new Date(addedFilter.values[i]).setHours(0,0,0,0);
v[i].$and.push({ _id: { '$lt': dateToOId(date)}}) ;
filters.filters.push({mode: 'or', field: '_id', values: v});
else {
// start and end of day
const date = [new Date(addedFilter.values[0]).setHours(0,0,0,0),
new Date(addedFilter.values[0]).setHours(23,59,59,999)];
if (addedFilter.mode === 'lt') { // lt start
filters.filters.push({mode: 'lt', field: '_id', values: [dateToOId(date[0])]});
if (addedFilter.mode === 'eq' || addedFilter.mode === 'lte') { // lte end
filters.filters.push({mode: 'lte', field: '_id', values: [dateToOId(date[1])]});
if (addedFilter.mode === 'gt') { // gt end
filters.filters.push({mode: 'gt', field: '_id', values: [dateToOId(date[1])]});
if (addedFilter.mode === 'eq' || addedFilter.mode === 'gte') { // gte start
filters.filters.push({mode: 'gte', field: '_id', values: [dateToOId(date[0])]});
if (addedFilter.mode === 'ne') {
filters.filters.push({mode: 'or', field: '_id',
values: [{ _id: { '$lt': dateToOId(date[0])}}, { _id: { '$gt': dateToOId(date[1])}}]});
const sortFilterKeys = filters.filters.map(e => e.field);
let collection;
const query = [];
let queryPtr = query;
queryPtr.push({$match: {$and: []}});
if (filters.sort[0].indexOf('measurements.') >= 0) { // sorting with measurements as starting collection
collection = MeasurementModel;
const [,measurementName, measurementParam] = filters.sort[0].split('.');
const measurementTemplates = await MeasurementTemplateModel.find({name: measurementName})
.lean().exec().catch(err => {next(err);});
if (measurementTemplates instanceof Error) return;
if (!measurementTemplates) {
return res.status(400).json({status: 'Invalid body format', details: filters.sort[0] + ' not found'});
let sortStartValue = null;
if (filters['from-id']) { // from-id specified, fetch values for sorting
const fromSample = await MeasurementModel.findOne({sample_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(filters['from-id'])})
.lean().exec().catch(err => {next(err);});
if (fromSample instanceof Error) return;
if (!fromSample) {
return res.status(400).json({status: 'Invalid body format', details: 'from-id not found'});
sortStartValue = fromSample.values[measurementParam];
// find measurements to sort
queryPtr[0].$match.$and.push({measurement_template: {$in: measurementTemplates.map(e => e._id)}});
if (filters.filters.find(e => e.field === filters.sort[0])) { // sorted measurement should also be filtered
queryPtr[0].$match.$and.push(...filterQueries(filters.filters.filter(e => e.field === filters.sort[0])
.map(e => {e.field = 'values.' + e.field.split('.')[2]; return e; })));
...sortQuery(filters, ['values.' + measurementParam, 'sample_id'], sortStartValue), // sort measurements
{$replaceRoot: {newRoot: {measurement: '$$ROOT'}}}, // fetch samples and restructure them to fit sample structure
{$lookup: {from: 'samples', localField: 'measurement.sample_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'sample'}},
{$match: statusQuery(filters, 'sample.status')}, // filter out wrong status once samples were added
{$addFields: {['sample.' + measurementName]: '$measurement.values'}}, // more restructuring
{$replaceRoot: {newRoot: {$mergeObjects: [{$arrayElemAt: ['$sample', 0]}, {}]}}}
else { // sorting with samples as starting collection
collection = SampleModel;
queryPtr[0].$match.$and.push(statusQuery(filters, 'status'));
// sorting for sample keys
if (SampleValidate.sampleKeys.indexOf(filters.sort[0]) >= 0 || /condition\./.test(filters.sort[0])) {
let sortStartValue = null;
if (filters['from-id']) { // from-id specified
const fromSample = await SampleModel.findById(filters['from-id']).lean().exec().catch(err => {
if (fromSample instanceof Error) return;
if (!fromSample) {
return res.status(400).json({status: 'Invalid body format', details: 'from-id not found'});
sortStartValue = fromSample[filters.sort[0]];
queryPtr.push(...sortQuery(filters, [filters.sort[0], '_id'], sortStartValue));
else { // add sort key to list to add field later
addFilterQueries(queryPtr, filters.filters.filter(
e => (SampleValidate.sampleKeys.indexOf(e.field) >= 0) || /condition\./.test(e.field))
); // sample filters
let materialQuery = []; // put material query together separate first to reuse for first-id
let materialAdded = false;
if (sortFilterKeys.find(e => /material\./.test(e))) { // add material fields
materialAdded = true;
materialQuery.push( // add material properties
{$lookup: {from: 'materials', localField: 'material_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'material'}},
{$addFields: {material: {$arrayElemAt: ['$material', 0]}}}
const baseMFilters = sortFilterKeys.filter(e => /material\./.test(e))
.filter(e => ['material.supplier', 'material.group', 'material.number'].indexOf(e) < 0);
// base material filters
addFilterQueries(materialQuery, filters.filters.filter(e => baseMFilters.indexOf(e.field) >= 0));
if (sortFilterKeys.find(e => e === 'material.supplier')) { // add supplier if needed
{$lookup: {
from: 'material_suppliers', localField: 'material.supplier_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'material.supplier'}
{$addFields: {'material.supplier': {$arrayElemAt: ['$material.supplier.name', 0]}}}
if (sortFilterKeys.find(e => e === 'material.group')) { // add group if needed
{$lookup: {
from: 'material_groups', localField: 'material.group_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'material.group' }
{$addFields: {'material.group': { $arrayElemAt: ['$material.group.name', 0]}}}
const specialMFilters = sortFilterKeys.filter(e => /material\./.test(e))
.filter(e => ['material.supplier', 'material.group', 'material.number'].indexOf(e) >= 0);
// base material filters
addFilterQueries(materialQuery, filters.filters.filter(e => specialMFilters.indexOf(e.field) >= 0));
if (/material\./.test(filters.sort[0])) { // sort by material key
let sortStartValue = null;
if (filters['from-id']) { // from-id specified
const fromSample = await SampleModel.aggregate(
[{$match: {_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(filters['from-id'])}}, ...materialQuery]
).exec().catch(err => {next(err);});
if (fromSample instanceof Error) return;
if (!fromSample) {
return res.status(400).json({status: 'Invalid body format', details: 'from-id not found'});
const filterKey = filters.sort[0].split('.');
if (filterKey.length === 2) {
sortStartValue = fromSample[0][filterKey[0]][filterKey[1]];
else {
sortStartValue = fromSample[0][filterKey[0]];
queryPtr.push(...sortQuery(filters, [filters.sort[0], '_id'], sortStartValue));
const measurementFilterFields = _.uniq(sortFilterKeys.filter(e => /measurements\./.test(e))
.map(e => e.split('.')[1])); // filter measurement names and remove duplicates from parameters
if (sortFilterKeys.find(e => /measurements\./.test(e))) { // add measurement fields
const measurementTemplates = await MeasurementTemplateModel.find({name: {$in: measurementFilterFields}})
.lean().exec().catch(err => {next(err);});
if (measurementTemplates instanceof Error) return;
if (measurementTemplates.length < measurementFilterFields.length) {
return res.status(400).json({status: 'Invalid body format', details: 'Measurement key not found'});
queryPtr.push({$lookup: {
from: 'measurements', let: {sId: '$_id'},
pipeline: [{$match: {$expr: {$and: [
{$eq: ['$sample_id', '$$sId']},
{$in: ['$measurement_template', measurementTemplates.map(e => mongoose.Types.ObjectId(e._id))]}
as: 'measurements'
const groupedMeasurementTemplates = measurementTemplates.reduce((s, e) => {
if (s.hasOwnProperty(e.name)) {
else {
s[e.name] = [e];
return s;
}, {});
Object.values(groupedMeasurementTemplates).forEach(templates => {
addMeasurements(queryPtr, templates);
addFilterQueries(queryPtr, filters.filters
.filter(e => sortFilterKeys.filter(e => /measurements\./.test(e)).indexOf(e.field) >= 0)
.map(e => {e.field = e.field.replace('measurements.', ''); return e; })
); // measurement filters
// count total number of items before $skip and $limit, only works when from-id is not specified and spectra are not
// included
if (!filters.fields.find(e => e.indexOf(globals.spectrum.spectrum + '.') >= 0) && !filters['from-id']) {
queryPtr.push({$facet: {count: [{$count: 'count'}], samples: []}});
queryPtr = queryPtr[queryPtr.length - 1].$facet.samples; // add rest of aggregation pipeline into $facet
// paging
if (filters['to-page']) {
// number to skip, if going back pages, one page has to be skipped less but on sample more
queryPtr.push({$skip: Math.abs(filters['to-page'] + Number(filters['to-page'] < 0)) * filters['page-size'] +
Number(filters['to-page'] < 0)})
if (filters['page-size']) {
queryPtr.push({$limit: filters['page-size']});
const fieldsToAdd = filters.fields.filter(e => // fields to add
sortFilterKeys.indexOf(e) < 0 // field was not in filter
&& e !== filters.sort[0] // field was not in sort
if (fieldsToAdd.find(e => e === 'notes')) { // add notes
{$lookup: {from: 'notes', localField: 'note_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'notes'}},
{$addFields: {notes: { $arrayElemAt: ['$notes', 0]}}}
if (fieldsToAdd.find(e => /material\./.test(e)) && !materialAdded) { // add material, was not added already
{$lookup: {from: 'materials', localField: 'material_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'material'}},
{$addFields: {material: { $arrayElemAt: ['$material', 0]}}}
if (fieldsToAdd.indexOf('material.supplier') >= 0) { // add supplier if needed
{$lookup: {
from: 'material_suppliers', localField: 'material.supplier_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'material.supplier'
{$addFields: {'material.supplier': {$arrayElemAt: ['$material.supplier.name', 0]}}}
if (fieldsToAdd.indexOf('material.group') >= 0) { // add group if needed
{$lookup: {
from: 'material_groups', localField: 'material.group_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'material.group'
{$addFields: {'material.group': { $arrayElemAt: ['$material.group.name', 0]}}}
let measurementFieldsFields: string[] = _.uniq(
fieldsToAdd.filter(e => /measurements\./.test(e)).map(e => e.split('.')[1])
); // filter measurement names and remove duplicates from parameters
if (fieldsToAdd.find(e => /measurements\./.test(e))) { // add measurement fields
const measurementTemplates = await MeasurementTemplateModel.find({name: {$in: measurementFieldsFields}})
.lean().exec().catch(err => {next(err);});
if (measurementTemplates instanceof Error) return;
if (measurementTemplates.length < measurementFieldsFields.length) {
return res.status(400).json({status: 'Invalid body format', details: 'Measurement key not found'});
// use different lookup methods with and without dpt for the best performance
if (fieldsToAdd.find(e => e.indexOf(globals.spectrum.spectrum + '.' + globals.spectrum.dpt) >= 0)) { // with dpt
{$lookup: {from: 'measurements', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'sample_id', as: 'measurements'}}
else {
queryPtr.push({$lookup: {
from: 'measurements', let: {sId: '$_id'},
pipeline: [{$match: {$expr: {$and: [
{$eq: ['$sample_id', '$$sId']},
{$in: ['$measurement_template', measurementTemplates.map(e => mongoose.Types.ObjectId(e._id))]}
as: 'measurements'
const groupedMeasurementTemplates = measurementTemplates.reduce((s, e) => {
if (s.hasOwnProperty(e.name)) {
else {
s[e.name] = [e];
return s;
}, {});
Object.values(groupedMeasurementTemplates).forEach(templates => {
addMeasurements(queryPtr, templates);
queryPtr.push({$project: {measurements: 0}});
const projection = filters.fields.map(e => e.replace('measurements.', ''))
.reduce((s, e) => {s[e] = true; return s; }, {});
if (filters.fields.indexOf('_id') < 0 && filters.fields.indexOf('added') < 0) { // disable _id explicitly
projection._id = false;
queryPtr.push({$project: projection});
// use streaming when including spectrum files
if (!fieldsToAdd.find(e => e.indexOf(globals.spectrum.spectrum + '.') >= 0)) {
collection.aggregate(query).allowDiskUse(true).exec((err, data) => {
if (err) return next(err);
if (data[0] && data[0].count) {
res.header('x-total-items', data[0].count.length > 0 ? data[0].count[0].count : 0);
res.header('Access-Control-Expose-Headers', 'x-total-items');
data = data[0].samples;
if (filters.fields.indexOf('added') >= 0) { // add added date
data.map(e => {
e.added = e._id.getTimestamp();
if (filters.fields.indexOf('_id') < 0) {
delete e._id;
return e
if (filters['to-page'] < 0) {
const measurementFields = _.uniq(
...measurementFilterFields, ...measurementFieldsFields]
if (filters.output === 'csv') { // output as csv
csv(_.compact(data.map(e => SampleValidate.output(e, 'refs', measurementFields))), (err, data) => {
if (err) return next(err);
res.set('Content-Type', 'text/csv');
res.set('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="samples.csv"');
else if (filters.output === 'flatten') {
res.json(_.compact(data.map(e => flatten(SampleValidate.output(e, 'refs', measurementFields), true))));
else { // validate all and filter null values from validation errors
res.json(_.compact(data.map(e => SampleValidate.output(e, 'refs', measurementFields))));
else {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'});
let count = 0;
const stream = collection.aggregate(query).allowDiskUse(true).cursor().exec();
stream.on('data', data => {
if (filters.fields.indexOf('added') >= 0) { // add added date
data.added = data._id.getTimestamp();
if (filters.fields.indexOf('_id') < 0) {
delete data._id;
if (filters.output === 'flatten') {
data = flatten(data, true);
res.write((count === 0 ? '' : ',\n') + JSON.stringify(data)); count ++;
stream.on('error', err => {
stream.on('close', () => {
router.get(`/samples/:state(${globals.status.new}|${globals.status.del})`, (req, res, next) => {
if (!req.auth(res, ['dev', 'admin'], 'basic')) return;
SampleModel.find({status: req.params.state}).lean().exec((err, data) => {
if (err) return next(err);
// validate all and filter null values from validation errors
res.json(_.compact(data.map(e => SampleValidate.output(e))));
router.get('/samples/count', (req, res, next) => {
if (!req.auth(res, ['read', 'write', 'dev', 'admin'], 'all')) return;
SampleModel.estimatedDocumentCount((err, data) => {
if (err) return next(err);
res.json({count: data});
router.get('/sample/' + IdValidate.parameter(), (req, res, next) => {
if (!req.auth(res, ['read', 'write', 'dev', 'admin'], 'all')) return;
SampleModel.findById(req.params.id).populate('material_id').populate('user_id', 'name').populate('note_id')
.exec(async (err, sampleData: any) => {
if (err) return next(err);
await sampleReturn(sampleData, req, res, next);
router.put('/sample/' + IdValidate.parameter(), (req, res, next) => {
if (!req.auth(res, ['write', 'dev', 'admin'], 'basic')) return;
const {error, value: sample} = SampleValidate.input(req.body, 'change');
if (error) return res400(error, res);
SampleModel.findById(req.params.id).lean().exec(async (err, sampleData: any) => { // check if id exists
if (err) return next(err);
if (!sampleData) {
return res.status(404).json({status: 'Not found'});
if (sampleData.status === globals.status.del) {
return res.status(403).json({status: 'Forbidden'});
// only dev and admin are allowed to edit other user's data
if (sampleData.user_id.toString() !== req.authDetails.id && !req.auth(res, ['dev', 'admin'], 'basic')) return;
if (sample.hasOwnProperty('material_id')) {
if (!await materialCheck(sample, res, next)) return;
// do not execute check if condition is and was empty
if (sample.hasOwnProperty('condition') && !(_.isEmpty(sample.condition) && _.isEmpty(sampleData.condition))) {
if (!await conditionCheck(sample.condition, 'change', res, next,
!(sampleData.condition.condition_template &&
sampleData.condition.condition_template.toString() === sample.condition.condition_template))) return;
if (sample.hasOwnProperty('notes')) {
let newNotes = true;
if (sampleData.note_id !== null) { // old notes data exists
const data = await NoteModel.findById(sampleData.note_id).lean().exec().catch(err => {next(err);}) as any;
if (data instanceof Error) return;
// check if notes were changed
newNotes = !_.isEqual(_.pick(IdValidate.stringify(data), _.keys(sample.notes)), sample.notes);
if (newNotes) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty('custom_fields')) { // update note_fields
customFieldsChange(Object.keys(data.custom_fields), -1, req);
await NoteModel.findByIdAndDelete(sampleData.note_id).log(req).lean().exec(err => { // delete old notes
if (err) return console.error(err);
if (_.keys(sample.notes).length > 0 && newNotes) { // save new notes
if (!await sampleRefCheck(sample, res, next)) return;
// new custom_fields
if (sample.notes.hasOwnProperty('custom_fields') && Object.keys(sample.notes.custom_fields).length > 0) {
customFieldsChange(Object.keys(sample.notes.custom_fields), 1, req);
let data = await new NoteModel(sample.notes).save().catch(err => { return next(err)}); // save new notes
db.log(req, 'notes', {_id: data._id}, data.toObject());
delete sample.notes;
sample.note_id = data._id;
// check for changes
if (!_.isEqual(_.pick(IdValidate.stringify(sampleData), _.keys(sample)), _.omit(sample, ['notes']))) {
sample.status = globals.status.new;
await SampleModel.findByIdAndUpdate(req.params.id, sample, {new: true}).log(req).lean().exec((err, data: any) => {
if (err) return next(err);
router.delete('/sample/' + IdValidate.parameter(), (req, res, next) => {
if (!req.auth(res, ['write', 'dev', 'admin'], 'basic')) return;
SampleModel.findById(req.params.id).lean().exec(async (err, sampleData: any) => { // check if id exists
if (err) return next(err);
if (!sampleData) {
return res.status(404).json({status: 'Not found'});
// only dev and admin are allowed to edit other user's data
if (sampleData.user_id.toString() !== req.authDetails.id && !req.auth(res, ['dev', 'admin'], 'basic')) return;
// set sample status
await SampleModel.findByIdAndUpdate(req.params.id, {status:'deleted'}).log(req).lean().exec(err => {
if (err) return next(err);
// set status of associated measurements also to deleted
MeasurementModel.updateMany({sample_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.params.id)}, {status: globals.status.del})
.log(req).lean().exec(err => {
if (err) return next(err);
if (sampleData.note_id !== null) { // handle notes
NoteModel.findById(sampleData.note_id).lean().exec((err, data: any) => { // find notes to update note_fields
if (err) return next(err);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('custom_fields')) { // update note_fields
customFieldsChange(Object.keys(data.custom_fields), -1, req);
res.json({status: 'OK'});
else {
res.json({status: 'OK'});
router.get('/sample/number/:number', (req, res, next) => {
if (!req.auth(res, ['read', 'write', 'dev', 'admin'], 'all')) return;
SampleModel.findOne({number: req.params.number}).populate('material_id').populate('user_id', 'name')
.populate('note_id').exec(async (err, sampleData: any) => {
if (err) return next(err);
await sampleReturn(sampleData, req, res, next);
router.put('/sample/restore/' + IdValidate.parameter(), (req, res, next) => {
if (!req.auth(res, ['dev', 'admin'], 'basic')) return;
setStatus(globals.status.new, req, res, next);
router.put('/sample/validate/' + IdValidate.parameter(), (req, res, next) => {
if (!req.auth(res, ['dev', 'admin'], 'basic')) return;
setStatus(globals.status.val, req, res, next);
router.post('/sample/new', async (req, res, next) => {
if (!req.auth(res, ['write', 'dev', 'admin'], 'basic')) return;
if (!req.body.hasOwnProperty('condition')) { // add empty condition if not specified
req.body.condition = {};
const {error, value: sample} =
SampleValidate.input(req.body, 'new' + (req.authDetails.level === 'admin' ? '-admin' : ''));
if (error) return res400(error, res);
if (!await materialCheck(sample, res, next)) return;
if (!await sampleRefCheck(sample, res, next)) return;
// new custom_fields
if (sample.notes.hasOwnProperty('custom_fields') && Object.keys(sample.notes.custom_fields).length > 0) {
customFieldsChange(Object.keys(sample.notes.custom_fields), 1, req);
if (!_.isEmpty(sample.condition)) { // do not execute check if condition is empty
if (!await conditionCheck(sample.condition, 'change', res, next)) return;
sample.status = globals.status.new; // set status to new
if (sample.hasOwnProperty('number')) {
if (!await numberCheck(sample, res, next)) return;
else {
sample.number = await numberGenerate(sample, req, res, next);
if (!sample.number) return;
await new NoteModel(sample.notes).save((err, data) => { // save notes
if (err) return next(err);
db.log(req, 'notes', {_id: data._id}, data.toObject());
delete sample.notes;
sample.note_id = data._id;
sample.user_id = req.authDetails.id;
new SampleModel(sample).save((err, data) => {
if (err) return next(err);
db.log(req, 'samples', {_id: data._id}, data.toObject());
router.get('/sample/notes/fields', (req, res, next) => {
if (!req.auth(res, ['read', 'write', 'dev', 'admin'], 'all')) return;
NoteFieldModel.find({}).lean().exec((err, data) => {
if (err) return next(err);
// validate all and filter null values from validation errors
res.json(_.compact(data.map(e => NoteFieldValidate.output(e))));
module.exports = router;
// store the highest generated number for each location to avoid duplicate numbers
const numberBuffer: {[location: string]: number} = {};
// generate number in format Location32, returns false on error
async function numberGenerate (sample, req, res, next) {
const sampleData = await SampleModel
{$match: {number: new RegExp('^' + req.authDetails.location + '[0-9]+$', 'm')}},
// {$addFields: {number2: {$toDecimal: {$arrayElemAt: [{$split: [{$arrayElemAt:
// [{$split: ['$number', 'Rng']}, 1]}, '_']}, 0]}}}}, // not working with MongoDb 3.6
{$addFields: {sortNumber: {$let: {
vars: {tmp: {$concat: ['000000000000000000000000000000',
{$arrayElemAt: [{$split: [{$arrayElemAt: [{$split: ['$number', 'Rng']}, 1]}, '_']}, 0]}]}},
in: {$substrCP: ['$$tmp', {$subtract: [{$strLenCP: '$$tmp'}, 30]}, {$strLenCP: '$$tmp'}]}
{$sort: {sortNumber: -1}},
{$limit: 1}
.catch(err => next(err));
if (sampleData instanceof Error) return false;
let number = (sampleData[0] ? Number(sampleData[0].number.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, '')) : 0);
if (numberBuffer[req.authDetails.location] && numberBuffer[req.authDetails.location] >= number) {
number = numberBuffer[req.authDetails.location];
number ++;
numberBuffer[req.authDetails.location] = number;
return req.authDetails.location + number;
async function numberCheck(sample, res, next) {
const sampleData = await SampleModel.findOne({number: sample.number})
.lean().exec().catch(err => {next(err); return false;});
if (sampleData) { // found entry with sample number
res.status(400).json({status: 'Sample number already taken'});
return false
return true;
// validate material_id and color, returns false if invalid
async function materialCheck (sample, res, next) {
const materialData = await MaterialModel.findById(sample.material_id).lean().exec().catch(err => next(err)) as any;
if (materialData instanceof Error) return false;
if (!materialData) { // could not find material_id
res.status(400).json({status: 'Material not available'});
return false;
return true;
// validate treatment template, returns false if invalid, otherwise template data
async function conditionCheck (condition, param, res, next, checkVersion = true) {
if (!condition.condition_template || !IdValidate.valid(condition.condition_template)) { // template id not found
res.status(400).json({status: 'Condition template not available'});
return false;
const conditionData = await ConditionTemplateModel.findById(condition.condition_template)
.lean().exec().catch(err => next(err)) as any;
if (conditionData instanceof Error) return false;
if (!conditionData) { // template not found
res.status(400).json({status: 'Condition template not available'});
return false;
if (checkVersion) {
// get all template versions and check if given is latest
const conditionVersions = await ConditionTemplateModel.find({first_id: conditionData.first_id})
.sort({version: -1}).lean().exec().catch(err => next(err)) as any;
if (conditionVersions instanceof Error) return false;
if (condition.condition_template !== conditionVersions[0]._id.toString()) { // template not latest
res.status(400).json({status: 'Old template version not allowed'});
return false;
// validate parameters
const {error, value: ignore} =
ParametersValidate.input(_.omit(condition, 'condition_template'), conditionData.parameters, param);
if (error) {res400(error, res); return false;}
return conditionData;
function sampleRefCheck (sample, res, next) { // validate sample_references, resolves false for invalid reference
return new Promise(resolve => {
// there are sample_references
if (sample.notes.hasOwnProperty('sample_references') && sample.notes.sample_references.length > 0) {
let referencesCount = sample.notes.sample_references.length; // count to keep track of running async operations
sample.notes.sample_references.forEach(reference => {
SampleModel.findById(reference.sample_id).lean().exec((err, data) => {
if (err) {next(err); resolve(false)}
if (!data) {
res.status(400).json({status: 'Sample reference not available'});
return resolve(false);
referencesCount --;
if (referencesCount <= 0) { // all async requests done
else {
function customFieldsChange (fields, amount, req) { // update custom_fields and respective quantities
fields.forEach(field => {
NoteFieldModel.findOneAndUpdate({name: field}, {$inc: {qty: amount}} as any, {new: true})
.log(req).lean().exec((err, data: any) => { // check if field exists
if (err) return console.error(err);
if (!data) { // new field
new NoteFieldModel({name: field, qty: 1}).save((err, data) => {
if (err) return console.error(err);
db.log(req, 'note_fields', {_id: data._id}, data.toObject());
else if (data.qty <= 0) { // delete document if field is not used anymore
NoteFieldModel.findOneAndDelete({name: field}).log(req).lean().exec(err => {
if (err) return console.error(err);
function sortQuery(filters, sortKeys, sortStartValue) { // sortKeys = ['primary key', 'secondary key']
if (filters['from-id']) { // from-id specified
const ssv = sortStartValue !== undefined; // if value is not given, match for existence
if ((filters['to-page'] === 0 && filters.sort[1] === 1) || (filters.sort[1] * filters['to-page'] > 0)) { // asc
return [
{$match: {$or: [
{[sortKeys[0]]: ssv ? {$gt: sortStartValue} : {$exists: true}},
{$and: [
{[sortKeys[0]]: ssv ? sortStartValue : {$exists: false}},
{[sortKeys[1]]: {$gte: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(filters['from-id'])}}
{$sort: {[sortKeys[0]]: 1, _id: 1}}
} else {
return [
{$match: {$or: [
{[sortKeys[0]]: ssv ? {$lt: sortStartValue} : {$exists: false}},
{$and: [
{[sortKeys[0]]: ssv ? sortStartValue : {$exists: true}},
{[sortKeys[1]]: {$lte: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(filters['from-id'])}}
{$sort: {[sortKeys[0]]: -1, _id: -1}}
} else { // sort from beginning
return [{$sort: {[sortKeys[0]]: filters.sort[1], [sortKeys[1]]: filters.sort[1]}}]; // set _id as secondary sort
function statusQuery(filters, field) {
return {$or: filters.status.map(e => ({[field]: e}))};
function addFilterQueries (queryPtr, filters) { // returns array of match queries from given filters
if (filters.length) {
queryPtr.push({$match: {$and: filterQueries(filters)}});
function filterQueries (filters) {
return filters.map(e => {
if (e.mode === 'or') { // allow or queries (needed for $ne added)
return {['$' + e.mode]: e.values};
else if (e.mode === 'stringin') {
return {[e.field]: {['$in']: [new RegExp(e.values[0])]}};
else {
// add filter criteria as {field: {$mode: value}}, only use first value when mode is not in/nin
return {[e.field]: {['$' + e.mode]: (e.mode.indexOf('in') >= 0 ? e.values : e.values[0])}};
// add measurements as property [template.name], if one result, array is reduced to direct values. All given templates
// must have the same name
function addMeasurements(queryPtr, templates) {
{$addFields: {[templates[0].name]: {$let: {vars: {
arr: {$filter: {
input: '$measurements', cond: {$and: [
{$in: ['$$this.measurement_template', templates.map(e => mongoose.Types.ObjectId(e._id))]},
{$ne: ['$$this.status', globals.status.del]}
in: {$cond: [{$lte: [{$size: '$$arr'}, 1]}, {$arrayElemAt: ['$$arr', 0]}, '$$arr']}
{$addFields: {[templates[0].name]: {$cond: [
'$' + templates[0].name + '.values',
'$' + templates[0].name + '.values',
templates[0].parameters.reduce((s, e) => {s[e.name] = null; return s;}, {})
{$unwind: '$' + templates[0].name}
function dateToOId (date) { // convert date to ObjectId
return mongoose.Types.ObjectId(Math.floor(date / 1000).toString(16) + '0000000000000000');
async function sampleReturn (sampleData, req, res, next) {
if (sampleData) {
await sampleData.populate('material_id.group_id').populate('material_id.supplier_id')
.execPopulate().catch(err => next(err));
if (sampleData instanceof Error) return;
sampleData = sampleData.toObject();
// deleted samples only available for dev/admin
if (sampleData.status === globals.status.del && !req.auth(res, ['dev', 'admin'], 'all')) return;
sampleData.material = sampleData.material_id; // map data to right keys
sampleData.material.group = sampleData.material.group_id.name;
sampleData.material.supplier = sampleData.material.supplier_id.name;
sampleData.user = sampleData.user_id.name;
sampleData.notes = sampleData.note_id ? sampleData.note_id : {};
MeasurementModel.find({sample_id: sampleData._id, status: {$ne: 'deleted'}})
.lean().exec((err, data) => {
sampleData.measurements = data;
if (['dev', 'admin'].indexOf(req.authDetails.level) < 0) { // strip dpt values if not dev or admin
sampleData.measurements.forEach(measurement => {
if (measurement.values[globals.spectrum.dpt]) {
delete measurement.values[globals.spectrum.dpt];
res.json(SampleValidate.output(sampleData, 'details'));
else {
res.status(404).json({status: 'Not found'});
function setStatus (status, req, res, next) {
SampleModel.findByIdAndUpdate(req.params.id, {status}).log(req).lean().exec((err, data) => {
if (err) return next(err);
if (!data) {
return res.status(404).json({status: 'Not found'});
res.json({status: 'OK'});
} |