// it('should return an error on a password too short', () => {
// expect(validationService.password('Abc123')).toEqual({ok: false, error: 'password must have at least 8 characters'});
// });
// it('should return an error on a password without a lowercase letter', () => {
// expect(validationService.password('ABC123!#')).toEqual({ok: false, error: 'password must have at least one lowercase character'});
// });
// it('should return an error on a password without an uppercase letter', () => {
// expect(validationService.password('abc123!#')).toEqual({ok: false, error: 'password must have at least one uppercase character'});
// });
// it('should return an error on a password without a number', () => {
// expect(validationService.password('Abcabc!#')).toEqual({ok: false, error: 'password must have at least one number'});
// });
// it('should return an error on a password without a special character', () => {
// expect(validationService.password('Abc12345')).toEqual({ok: false, error: 'password must have at least one of the following characters !"#%&\'()*+,-.\\/:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~'});
// });
// it('should return an error on a password with a character not allowed', () => {
// expect(validationService.password('Abc123!€')).toEqual({ok: false, error: 'password must only contain a-zA-Z0-9!"#%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~'});
// });
// it('should return true on a correct string', () => {