From fe9a43851d28e605d9e0fc27f63ea658cd189811 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Engelbart Kai Sven (PEA4-Fe)"
- The used database instance is a MongoDB instance running on the BIC, storing all application data. The admin database
- management page can be accessed
- .
- However, it is recommended to use a dedicated MongoDB application for anything apart from a quick look. The two tested
- applications are MongoDB Compass and
- Robo 3T (recommended for trying queries).
To connect to the BIC instance from your local application follow the
BIC guide.
- For the first time: Every time:
- For creating a database backup, you must follow the same steps from above (except the last one). Additionally you need
- the mongodump installed.
- Open the MongoDB bin folder
- (normally at C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin) in a PowerShell and execute following command for backup,
- adjust parameters and credentials as needed: To back up the database from the BIC: To restore the database to the BIC:
+ The used database instance is a MongoDB instance running on the BIC, storing all application data.
+ The admin database management page can be accessed here.
+ However, it is recommended to use a dedicated MongoDB application for anything apart from a quick look.
+ The two tested applications are MongoDB Compass and
+ Robo 3T (recommended for trying queries).
+ TL;DR:
-Every time:
+Backup Instructions
- .\mongodump.exe /port:1120 /db:"6ebe4c5d-0da3-4347-b484-66894dcf3f27" /username:"<username>"
- /password:"<username>" /out:"C:\Path\to\backup\folder"
- Restoring the database from a backup is done with mongorestore.exe, more information can be found at the
+ For creating a database backup, you must follow the same steps from above (except the last one).
+ Additionally you need the MongoDB Tools installed.
+ Extract the ZIP file to a location on your hard drive and launch a Git Bash in that directory.
+./mongodump --port 1120 -d <database> -u <username> -p <password> --gzip -o 'C:\path\to\backup\folder'
+./mongorestore --port 1120 -d <database> -u <username> -p <password> --gzip --drop 'C:\path\to\backup\folder'
To restore the database to your local MongoDB instance:
+./mongorestore -d dfopdb --gzip --drop 'C:\path\to\backup\folder\<database>' ++ +
+ More information can be found inside the
- The BIC service also creates internal backup, which can be requested to restore, see
+ The BIC service also creates an internal backup, which can be requested to restore, see