import _ from 'lodash'; import { AfterContentChecked, Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router'; import {AutocompleteService} from '../services/autocomplete.service'; import {ApiService} from '../services/api.service'; import {MaterialModel} from '../models/material.model'; import {SampleModel} from '../models/sample.model'; import {NgForm, Validators} from '@angular/forms'; import {ValidationService} from '../services/validation.service'; import {TemplateModel} from '../models/template.model'; import {MeasurementModel} from '../models/measurement.model'; // TODO: tests // TODO: confirmation for new group/supplier // TODO: DPT preview // TODO: work on better recognition for file input // TODO: only show condition (if not set) and measurements in edit sample dialog at first // TODO: multiple spectra, drag and drop // TODO: multiple samples for base data, extend multiple measurements, conditions @Component({ selector: 'app-sample', templateUrl: './sample.component.html', styleUrls: ['./sample.component.scss'] }) export class SampleComponent implements OnInit, AfterContentChecked { @ViewChild('sampleForm') sampleForm: NgForm; new; // true if new sample should be created newMaterial = false; // true if new material should be created materials: MaterialModel[] = []; // all materials suppliers: string[] = []; // all suppliers groups: string[] = []; // all groups conditionTemplates: TemplateModel[]; // all conditions condition: TemplateModel | null = null; // selected condition materialNames = []; // names of all materials material = new MaterialModel(); // object of current selected material sample = new SampleModel(); customFields: [string, string][] = [['', '']]; availableCustomFields: string[] = []; responseData: SampleModel; // gets filled with response data after saving the sample measurementTemplates: TemplateModel[]; loading = 0; // number of currently loading instances checkFormAfterInit = false; constructor( private router: Router, private route: ActivatedRoute, private api: ApiService, private validation: ValidationService, public autocomplete: AutocompleteService ) { } ngOnInit(): void { = this.router.url === '/samples/new'; this.loading = 6; this.api.get('/materials?status=all', (data: any) => { this.materials = => new MaterialModel().deserialize(e)); this.materialNames = =>; this.loading--; }); this.api.get('/material/suppliers', (data: any) => { this.suppliers = data; this.loading--; }); this.api.get('/material/groups', (data: any) => { this.groups = data; this.loading--; }); this.api.get('/template/conditions', data => { this.conditionTemplates = => new TemplateModel().deserialize(e)); this.loading--; }); this.api.get('/template/measurements', data => { this.measurementTemplates = => new TemplateModel().deserialize(e)); this.loading--; }); this.api.get('/sample/notes/fields', data => { this.availableCustomFields = =>; this.loading--; }); if (! { this.loading++; this.api.get('/sample/' + this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id'), sData => { this.sample.deserialize(sData); this.material = sData.material; this.customFields = this.sample.notes.custom_fields && this.sample.notes.custom_fields !== {} ? Object.keys(this.sample.notes.custom_fields).map(e => [e, this.sample.notes.custom_fields[e]]) : [['', '']]; if ('condition_template' in this.sample.condition) { this.selectCondition(this.sample.condition.condition_template); } console.log('data loaded'); this.loading--; this.checkFormAfterInit = true; }); } } ngAfterContentChecked() { // attach validators to dynamic condition fields when all values are available and template was fully created if (this.condition && this.condition.hasOwnProperty('parameters') && this.condition.parameters.length > 0 && this.condition.parameters[0].hasOwnProperty('range') && this.sampleForm && this.sampleForm.form.get('conditionParameter0')) { for (const i in this.condition.parameters) { if (this.condition.parameters[i]) { this.attachValidator('conditionParameter' + i, this.condition.parameters[i].range, true); } } } if (this.sampleForm && this.sampleForm.form.get('measurementParameter0-0')) { this.sample.measurements.forEach((measurement, mIndex) => { const template = this.getMeasurementTemplate(measurement.measurement_template); for (const i in template.parameters) { if (template.parameters[i]) { this.attachValidator('measurementParameter' + mIndex + '-' + i, template.parameters[i].range, false); } } }); if (this.checkFormAfterInit) { this.checkFormAfterInit = false; this.initialValidate(); } } } initialValidate() { console.log('initVal'); Object.keys(this.sampleForm.form.controls).forEach(field => { this.sampleForm.form.get(field).updateValueAndValidity(); }); } attachValidator(name: string, range: {[prop: string]: any}, required: boolean) { if (this.sampleForm.form.get(name)) { const validators = []; if (required) { validators.push(Validators.required); } if (range.hasOwnProperty('values')) { validators.push(this.validation.generate('stringOf', [range.values])); } else if (range.hasOwnProperty('min') && range.hasOwnProperty('max')) { validators.push(this.validation.generate('minMax', [range.min, range.max])); } else if (range.hasOwnProperty('min')) { validators.push(this.validation.generate('min', [range.min])); } else if (range.hasOwnProperty('max')) { validators.push(this.validation.generate('max', [range.max])); } this.sampleForm.form.get(name).setValidators(validators); } } saveSample() { new Promise(resolve => { if (this.newMaterial) { // save material first if new one exists for (const i in this.material.numbers) { // remove empty numbers fields if (this.material.numbers[i].color === '') { this.material.numbers.splice(i as any as number, 1); } }'/material/new', this.material.sendFormat(), data => { this.materials.push(data); // add material to data this.material = data; this.sample.material_id = data._id; // add new material id to sample data resolve(); }); } else { resolve(); } }).then(() => { // save sample this.sample.notes.custom_fields = {}; this.customFields.forEach(element => { if (element[0] !== '') { this.sample.notes.custom_fields[element[0]] = element[1]; } }); new Promise(resolve => { if ( {'/sample/new', this.sample.sendFormat(), resolve); } else { this.api.put('/sample/' + this.sample._id, this.sample.sendFormat(), resolve); } }).then( data => { this.responseData = new SampleModel().deserialize(data); this.material = this.materials.find(e => e._id === this.responseData.material_id); this.sample.measurements.forEach(measurement => { if (Object.keys(measurement.values).map(e => measurement.values[e]).join('') !== '') { Object.keys(measurement.values).forEach(key => { measurement.values[key] = measurement.values[key] === '' ? null : measurement.values[key]; }); if (measurement._id === null) { // new measurement measurement.sample_id = data._id;'/measurement/new', measurement.sendFormat()); } else { // update measurement this.api.put('/measurement/' + measurement._id, measurement.sendFormat(['sample_id', 'measurement_template'])); } } else if (measurement._id !== null) { // existing measurement was left empty to delete this.api.delete('/measurement/' + measurement._id); } }); }); }); } findMaterial(name) { const res = this.materials.find(e => === name); // search for match if (res) { this.material = _.cloneDeep(res); this.sample.material_id = this.material._id; } else { this.sample.material_id = null; } this.setNewMaterial(); } preventSubmit(event) { if (event.key === 'Enter') { event.preventDefault(); } } getColors(material) { return material ? => e.color) : []; } // TODO: rework later setNewMaterial(value = null) { if (value === null) { this.newMaterial = !this.sample.material_id; } else { this.newMaterial = value; } if (this.newMaterial) { this.sampleForm.form.get('materialname').setValidators([Validators.required]); } else { this.sampleForm.form.get('materialname').setValidators([Validators.required, this.validation.generate('stringOf', [this.materialNames])]); } this.sampleForm.form.get('materialname').updateValueAndValidity(); } handleMaterialNumbers() { const fieldNo = this.material.numbers.length; let filledFields = 0; this.material.numbers.forEach(mNumber => { if (mNumber.color !== '') { filledFields ++; } }); // append new field if (filledFields === fieldNo) { this.material.addNumber(); } // remove if two end fields are empty if (fieldNo > 1 && this.material.numbers[fieldNo - 1].color === '' && this.material.numbers[fieldNo - 2].color === '') { this.material.popNumber(); } } selectCondition(id) { this.condition = this.conditionTemplates.find(e => e._id === id); console.log(this.condition); console.log(this.sample); if ('condition_template' in this.sample.condition) { this.sample.condition.condition_template = id; } } getMeasurementTemplate(id): TemplateModel { return this.measurementTemplates && id ? this.measurementTemplates.find(e => e._id === id) : new TemplateModel(); } addMeasurement() { this.sample.measurements.push(new MeasurementModel(this.measurementTemplates[0]._id)); } removeMeasurement(index) { if (this.sample.measurements[index]._id !== null) { this.api.delete('/measurement/' + this.sample.measurements[index]._id); } this.sample.measurements.splice(index, 1); } fileToArray(event, mIndex, parameter) { const fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = () => { this.sample.measurements[mIndex].values[parameter] = fileReader.result.toString().split('\r\n').map(e => e.split(',')); }; fileReader.readAsText([0]); } toggleCondition() { if (this.condition) { this.condition = null; } else { this.sample.condition = {condition_template: null}; this.selectCondition(this.conditionTemplates[0]._id); } } adjustCustomFields(value, index) { this.customFields[index][0] = value; const fieldNo = this.customFields.length; let filledFields = 0; this.customFields.forEach(field => { if (field[0] !== '') { filledFields ++; } }); // append new field if (filledFields === fieldNo) { this.customFields.push(['', '']); } // remove if two end fields are empty if (fieldNo > 1 && this.customFields[fieldNo - 1][0] === '' && this.customFields[fieldNo - 2][0] === '') { this.customFields.pop(); } } uniqueCfValues(index) { // returns all names until index for unique check return this.customFields.slice(0, index).map(e => e[0]); } } // 1. ngAfterViewInit wird ja jedes mal nach einem ngOnChanges aufgerufen, also zB wenn sich dein ngFor aufbaut. Du könntest also in der Methode prüfen, ob die Daten schon da sind und dann dementsprechend handeln. Das wäre die Eleganteste Variante // 2. Der state "dirty" soll eigentlich anzeigen, wenn ein Form-Field vom User geändert wurde; damit missbrauchst du es hier etwas // 3. Die Dirty-Variante: Pack in deine ngFor ein {{ onFirstLoad(data) }} rein, das einfach ausgeführt wird. müsstest dann natürlich abfangen, dass das nicht nach jedem view-cycle neu getriggert wird. Schön ist das nicht, aber besser als mit Timeouts^^