493 lines
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493 lines
18 KiB
import {Component, ElementRef, isDevMode, OnInit, TemplateRef, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {ApiService} from '../services/api.service';
import {AutocompleteService} from '../services/autocomplete.service';
import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep';
import pick from 'lodash/pick';
import omit from 'lodash/omit';
import {SampleModel} from '../models/sample.model';
import {LoginService} from '../services/login.service';
import {ModalService} from '@inst-iot/bosch-angular-ui-components';
import {DataService} from '../services/data.service';
import {LocalStorageService} from 'angular-2-local-storage';
import {Router} from '@angular/router';
// TODO: turn off sort field
// TODO reset sort when field is excluded
// TODO: material name to product
// TODO: filter button
// TODO: check if connect-src to model works
interface LoadSamplesOptions {
toPage?: number;
event?: Event;
firstPage?: boolean;
interface KeyInterface {
id: string;
label: string;
active: boolean;
sortable: boolean;
selector: 'app-samples',
templateUrl: './samples.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./samples.component.scss']
export class SamplesComponent implements OnInit {
@ViewChild('pageSizeSelection') pageSizeSelection: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
@ViewChild('linkarea') linkarea: ElementRef<HTMLTextAreaElement>;
downloadSpectra = false; // TODO: streamline these options after csv option handling is clear
downloadCondition = false;
downloadFlatten = true;
samples: SampleModel[] = [];
totalSamples = 0; // total number of samples
csvUrl = ''; // store url separate so it only has to be generated when clicking the download button
filters = {
status: {new: true, validated: true, deleted: false},
pageSize: 25,
toPage: 0,
sort: 'added-asc',
filters: [
{field: 'number', label: 'Number', active: false, autocomplete: [], mode: 'eq', values: ['']},
{field: 'material.name', label: 'Material name', active: false, autocomplete: [], mode: 'eq', values: ['']},
{field: 'material.supplier', label: 'Supplier', active: false, autocomplete: [], mode: 'eq', values: ['']},
{field: 'material.group', label: 'Material', active: false, autocomplete: [], mode: 'eq', values: ['']},
{field: 'material.glass_fiber', label: 'GF', active: false, autocomplete: [], mode: 'eq', values: ['']},
{field: 'material.carbon_fiber', label: 'CF', active: false, autocomplete: [], mode: 'eq', values: ['']},
{field: 'material.mineral', label: 'M', active: false, autocomplete: [], mode: 'eq', values: ['']},
{field: 'type', label: 'Type', active: false, autocomplete: [], mode: 'eq', values: ['']},
{field: 'color', label: 'Color', active: false, autocomplete: [], mode: 'eq', values: ['']},
{field: 'batch', label: 'Batch', active: false, autocomplete: [], mode: 'eq', values: ['']},
{field: 'notes.comment', label: 'Comment', active: false, autocomplete: [], mode: 'eq', values: ['']},
{field: 'added', label: 'Added', active: false, autocomplete: [], mode: 'eq', values: ['']}
page = 1;
pages = 1;
loadSamplesQueue = []; // arguments of queued up loadSamples() calls
keys: KeyInterface[] = [
{id: 'number', label: 'Number', active: true, sortable: true},
{id: 'material.numbers', label: 'Material numbers', active: false, sortable: false},
{id: 'material.name', label: 'Material name', active: true, sortable: true},
{id: 'material.supplier', label: 'Supplier', active: false, sortable: true},
{id: 'material.group', label: 'Material', active: true, sortable: true},
{id: 'type', label: 'Type', active: true, sortable: true},
{id: 'color', label: 'Color', active: false, sortable: true},
{id: 'batch', label: 'Batch', active: true, sortable: true},
{id: 'notes.comment', label: 'Comment', active: false, sortable: false},
{id: 'notes', label: 'Notes', active: false, sortable: false},
{id: 'status', label: 'Status', active: false, sortable: true},
{id: 'added', label: 'Added', active: true, sortable: true}
isActiveKey: {[key: string]: boolean} = {};
activeKeys: KeyInterface[] = [];
activeTemplateKeys = {material: [], condition: [], measurements: []};
sampleDetailsSample: any = null;
sampleSelect = 0; // modes: 0 - no selection, 1 - sample edit selection, 2 - validation selection
loading = 0;
private api: ApiService,
public autocomplete: AutocompleteService,
public login: LoginService,
private modalService: ModalService,
public d: DataService,
private storage: LocalStorageService,
private window: Window,
private router: Router
) {
ngOnInit(): void {
this.loading = 8;
const onLoad = () => {
if ((--this.loading) <= 0) {
this.d.load('materials', () => {
this.filters.filters.find(e => e.field === 'material.name').autocomplete = this.d.arr.materials.map(e => e.name);
this.d.load('materialSuppliers', () => {
this.filters.filters.find(e => e.field === 'material.supplier').autocomplete = this.d.arr.materialSuppliers;
this.d.load('materialGroups', () => {
this.filters.filters.find(e => e.field === 'material.group').autocomplete = this.d.arr.materialGroups;
this.d.load('userKey', onLoad);
this.d.load('conditionTemplates', onLoad);
this.loadTemplateKeys('material', 'type', onLoad);
this.loadTemplateKeys('condition', 'notes.comment', onLoad);
this.loadTemplateKeys('measurement', 'status', onLoad);
loadTemplateKeys(collection, insertBefore, f) {
this.d.load(collection + 'Templates', () => {
const templateKeys = [];
this.d.arr[collection + 'Templates'].forEach(item => {
item.parameters.forEach(parameter => {
const parameterName = encodeURIComponent(parameter.name);
// exclude spectrum and duplicates
if (parameter.name !== 'dpt' && !templateKeys.find(e => new RegExp('.' + parameterName + '$').test(e.id))) {
const collectionNames = {
material: 'material.properties',
condition: 'condition',
measurement: 'measurements.' + encodeURIComponent(item.name)
id: `${collectionNames[collection]}.${parameterName}`,
label: `${this.ucFirst(item.name)} ${parameter.name}`,
active: false,
sortable: true
field: `${collectionNames[collection]}.${parameterName}`,
label: `${this.ucFirst(item.name)} ${parameter.name}`,
active: false,
autocomplete: [],
mode: 'eq',
values: ['']
this.keys.splice(this.keys.findIndex(e => e.id === insertBefore), 0, ...templateKeys);
this.keys = [...this.keys]; // complete overwrite array to invoke update in rb-multiselect
loadSamples(options: LoadSamplesOptions = {}, event = null) { // set toPage to null to reload first page, queues calls
if (event) { // adjust active keys
this.keys.forEach(key => {
if (event.hasOwnProperty(key.id)) {
key.active = event[key.id];
const sortId = this.filters.sort.replace(/(-asc|-desc)/, '');
if (event.hasOwnProperty(sortId) && !event[sortId]) { // reset sort if sort field was unselected
if (this.loadSamplesQueue.length <= 1) { // nothing queued up
private sampleLoader(options: LoadSamplesOptions) { // actual loading of the sample, do not call directly
this.loading ++;
this.api.get(this.sampleUrl({paging: true, pagingOptions: options}), (sData, err, headers) => {
this.loading --;
if (err) {
else {
if (!options.toPage && headers['x-total-items']) {
this.totalSamples = headers['x-total-items'];
this.pages = Math.ceil(this.totalSamples / this.filters.pageSize);
this.samples = sData as any;
if (this.loadSamplesQueue.length > 0) { // execute next queue item
sampleUrl(options: {
paging?: boolean,
pagingOptions?: {
firstPage?: boolean,
toPage?: number,
event?: Event
csv?: boolean,
export?: boolean,
host?: boolean
}) { // return url to fetch samples
const additionalTableKeys = ['material_id', '_id', 'user_id']; // keys which should always be added if export = false
const query: string[] = [];
query.push(...Object.keys(this.filters.status).filter(e => this.filters.status[e]).map(e => 'status[]=' + e));
if (options.paging) {
if (this.samples[0]) { // do not include from-id when page size was changed
if (!options.pagingOptions.firstPage) {
query.push('from-id=' + this.samples[0]._id);
else {
this.page = 1;
if (options.pagingOptions.toPage) {
query.push('to-page=' + options.pagingOptions.toPage);
query.push('page-size=' + this.filters.pageSize);
query.push('sort=' + this.filters.sort);
if (options.export) {
query.push('key=' + this.d.d.userKey.key);
this.keys.forEach(key => {
// do not load material properties for table
if (key.active && (options.export || (!options.export && key.id.indexOf('material.') < 0))) {
query.push('fields[]=' + key.id);
.map(e => {
e.values = e.values.filter(el => el !== ''); // do not include empty values
if (e.field === 'added') { // correct timezone
e.values = e.values.map(el => new Date(new Date(el).getTime() - new Date(el).getTimezoneOffset() * 60000).toISOString());
if (e.mode === 'null') {
e.mode = 'in';
e.values = [null, ''];
return e;
.filter(e => e.active && e.values.length > 0)
.map(e => 'filters[]=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(pick(e, ['mode', 'field', 'values']))))
if (!options.export) {
additionalTableKeys.forEach(key => {
if (query.indexOf('fields[]=' + key) < 0) { // add key if not already added
query.push('fields[]=' + key);
else {
if (options.csv) {
else if (this.downloadFlatten) {
if (this.downloadSpectra) {
if (this.downloadCondition) {
return (options.host && isDevMode() ? this.window.location.host : '') +
(options.export ? this.api.hostName : '') +
'/samples?' + query.join('&');
loadPage(delta) {
if (!/[0-9]+/.test(delta) || this.page + delta < 1 || this.page + delta > this.pages) { // invalid delta
this.page += delta;
this.loadSamples({toPage: delta});
storePreferences() {
const store = {
filters: {
...pick(this.filters, ['status', 'pageSize', 'toPage', 'sort']),
filters: this.filters.filters.map(e => pick(e, ['field', 'active', 'mode', 'values']))
keys: this.keys.map(e => pick(e, ['id', 'active']))
this.storage.set('samplesPreferences', store);
loadPreferences() {
const store: any = this.storage.get('samplesPreferences');
if (store) {
this.filters = {...this.filters, ...pick(store.filters, ['status', 'pageSize', 'toPage', 'sort'])};
store.filters.filters.forEach(filter => {
const filterIndex = this.filters.filters.findIndex(e => e.field === filter.field);
if (filterIndex >= 0) {
this.filters.filters[filterIndex] = {...this.filters.filters[filterIndex], ...filter};
store.keys.forEach(key => {
const keyIndex = this.keys.findIndex(e => e.id === key.id);
if (keyIndex >= 0) {
this.keys[keyIndex].active = key.active;
// TODO: avoid reloading
resetPreferences() {
updateFilterFields(field) {
const filter = this.filters.filters.find(e => e.field === field);
filter.active = !(filter.values.length === 1 && filter.values[0] === '');
setSort(string) {
this.filters.sort = string;
this.loadSamples({firstPage: true});
updateActiveKeys() { // array with all activeKeys
this.activeKeys = this.keys.filter(e => e.active);
this.filters.filters.forEach(filter => { // disable filters of fields not displayed
if (!this.isActiveKey[filter.field]) {
filter.active = false;
this.activeTemplateKeys.material = this.keys
.filter(e => e.id.indexOf('material.properties.') >= 0 && e.active)
.map(e => e.id.split('.')
.map(el => decodeURIComponent(el)));
this.activeTemplateKeys.condition = this.keys.filter(e => e.id.indexOf('condition.') >= 0 && e.active)
.map(e => e.id.split('.')
.map(el => decodeURIComponent(el)));
this.activeTemplateKeys.measurements = this.keys.filter(e => e.id.indexOf('measurements.') >= 0 && e.active)
.map(e => e.id.split('.')
.map(el => decodeURIComponent(el)));
calcFieldSelectKeys() {
this.keys.forEach(key => {
this.isActiveKey[key.id] = key.active;
sampleDetails(id: string, modal: TemplateRef<any>) {
this.sampleDetailsSample = null;
this.api.get<SampleModel>('/sample/' + id, data => {
this.sampleDetailsSample = new SampleModel().deserialize(data);
if (data.notes.custom_fields) { // convert custom_fields for more optimized display
this.sampleDetailsSample.notes.custom_fields_entries = Object.entries(this.sampleDetailsSample.notes.custom_fields);
else {
this.sampleDetailsSample.custom_fields_entries = [];
if (Object.keys(data.condition).length) {
this.sampleDetailsSample.condition_entries = Object.entries(omit(this.sampleDetailsSample.condition, ['condition_template']))
.map(e => {
e[0] = `${this.ucFirst(this.d.id.conditionTemplates[this.sampleDetailsSample.condition.condition_template].name)} ${e[0]}`;
return e;
else {
this.sampleDetailsSample.condition_entries = [];
this.sampleDetailsSample.measurement_entries = [];
this.sampleDetailsSample.measurements.forEach(measurement => { // convert measurements for more optimized display without dpt
const name = this.d.id.measurementTemplates[measurement.measurement_template].name;
this.sampleDetailsSample.measurement_entries.push(...Object.entries(measurement.values).filter(e => e[0] !== 'dpt')
.map(e => ({name: this.ucFirst(name) + ' ' + e[0], value: e[1]})));
new Promise(resolve => {
if (data.notes.sample_references.length) { // load referenced samples if available
let loadingCounter = data.notes.sample_references.length;
this.sampleDetailsSample.notes.sample_references.forEach(reference => {
this.api.get<SampleModel>('/sample/' + reference.sample_id, rData => {
reference.number = rData.number;
loadingCounter --;
if (!loadingCounter) {
else {
}).then(() => {
this.modalService.open(modal).then(() => {});
validate() {
if (this.sampleSelect) {
this.samples.forEach(sample => {
if (sample.selected) {
this.api.put('/sample/validate/' + sample._id);
this.sampleSelect = 0;
else {
this.sampleSelect = 2;
batchEdit() {
if (this.sampleSelect) {
this.router.navigate(['/samples/edit/' + this.samples.filter(e => e.selected).map(e => e._id).join(',')]);
this.sampleSelect = 0;
else {
this.sampleSelect = 1;
restoreSample(id, modal, event) {
this.modalService.open(modal).then(res => {
if (res) {
this.api.put('/sample/restore/' + id, {}, ignore => {
this.samples.find(e => e._id === id).status = 'new';
selectAll(event) {
this.samples.forEach(sample => {
if (sample.status !== 'deleted') {
sample.selected = event.target.checked;
else {
sample.selected = false;
preventDefault(event, key = 'all') {
if (key === 'all' || event.key === key) {
stopPropagation(event) {
clipboard() {
this.linkarea.nativeElement.setSelectionRange(0, 99999);
ucFirst(string) {
return string[0].toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);