echo"A tool to help change the wallpaper in a more comfortable way."
echo"Uses xwallpaper to load the specified wallpaper."
echo"Usage: paperchanger [OPTION] [PATH]"
printf" %-45s\t%-54s\n"\
"-h, --help, help""Print this help."\
"-d, --display, display""Display the specified wallpaper."\
"-s, --set, set""Set the wallpaper with the path as parameter."\
"-S, --Set, Set""Set the wallpaper with a graphical file chooser."\
"-ds, --display-and-set, display-and-set""Set the wallpaper with an path as parameter AND display the specified wallpaper."\
"-dS, --display-and-Set, display-and-Set""Set the wallpaper with a graphical file chooser AND display the specified wallpaper."\
"-p, --path, path""Set the path of the default directory as parameter, where the file chooser to select a wallpaper is initially opened."\
"-P, --Path, Path""Set the path of the default directory with a graphical file chooser, where the file chooser to select a file chooser is initially opened."\