Unread Messages Label is Not Always Displayed #48

opened 2020-09-23 21:45:00 +02:00 by mpk · 1 comment

It appears to happen at some special times, that the unread messages label is not displayed (only noticed this bug with groupChats yet).

It appears to happen at some special times, that the unread messages label is not displayed (only noticed this bug with groupChats yet).
mpk added this to the v0.2-beta milestone 2020-09-23 21:45:00 +02:00
mpk added the
labels 2020-09-23 21:45:00 +02:00

To reproduce:

  1. Create a group with two members.
  2. Ensure that one member is online and the other one is offline.
  3. Send a message to the group.
  4. Start the client of the other member who was previously offline.
  5. Observe how the orange "unread message" indicator doesn't appear
**To reproduce:** 1. Create a group with two members. 2. Ensure that one member is online and the other one is offline. 3. Send a message to the group. 4. Start the client of the other member who was previously offline. 5. Observe how the orange "unread message" indicator doesn't appear
kske self-assigned this 2020-09-24 11:12:53 +02:00
kske closed this issue 2020-09-25 11:23:00 +02:00
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