Add Ability to Change the User Status Freely #90

delvh merged 7 commits from f/change-user-status into develop 2020-10-10 14:16:29 +02:00
9 changed files with 127 additions and 73 deletions
Showing only changes of commit e8202e0c94 - Show all commits

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@ -293,6 +293,9 @@ public final class LocalDB implements EventListener {
@Event(priority = 500)
private void onOwnStatusChange(OwnStatusChange statusChange) { user.setStatus(statusChange.get()); }
* @return a {@code Map<String, User>} of all users stored locally with their
* user names as keys

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package envoy.client.event;
import envoy.event.Event;
* Conveys the action that the currently logged in {@link User} has changed his
delvh marked this conversation as resolved

This construction is complicated even for my standards.

What about "Signifies a manual status change of the client user".

This construction is complicated even for my standards. What about "Signifies a manual status change of the client user".
* status (manually).
* @author Leon Hofmeister
* @since Envoy Client v0.3-beta
public class OwnStatusChange extends Event<UserStatus> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* @param value the new user status of the currently logged in user
* @since Envoy Client v0.3-beta
public OwnStatusChange(UserStatus value) { super(value); }

View File

@ -1,15 +1,8 @@
package envoy.client.helper;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import javafx.scene.control.Alert;
import javafx.scene.control.Alert.AlertType;
import envoy.client.event.*;
import envoy.client.ui.SceneContext.SceneInfo;
import envoy.client.event.EnvoyCloseEvent;
import envoy.client.ui.StatusTrayIcon;
import envoy.util.EnvoyLog;
import dev.kske.eventbus.EventBus;
@ -36,23 +29,4 @@ public final class ShutdownHelper {
* Logs the current user out and reopens
* {@link envoy.client.ui.controller.LoginScene}.
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
public static void logout() {
final var alert = new Alert(AlertType.CONFIRMATION);
alert.setContentText("Are you sure you want to log out?");
AlertHelper.confirmAction(alert, () -> {
EnvoyLog.getLogger(ShutdownHelper.class).log(Level.INFO, "A logout was requested");
EventBus.getInstance().dispatch(new EnvoyCloseEvent());
EventBus.getInstance().dispatch(new Logout());

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import javafx.stage.Stage;
import envoy.client.event.*;
import envoy.client.helper.ShutdownHelper;
import envoy.client.util.UserUtil;
import envoy.util.EnvoyLog;
import dev.kske.eventbus.*;
@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ public final class SceneContext implements EventListener {
// Add the option to logout using "Control"+"Shift"+"L" if not in login scene
if (sceneInfo != SceneInfo.LOGIN_SCENE)
kske marked this conversation as resolved
  1. Are these key combinations documented anywhere?
  2. Can we stop putting scene specific code inside SceneContext, that could be completely generic as to what scenes it displays, except for being littered with code specific to LoginScene which nobody would expect here?

(yes, these are both rhetorical questions)

1. Are these key combinations documented anywhere? 2. Can we stop putting scene specific code inside `SceneContext`, that could be completely generic as to what scenes it displays, except for being littered with code specific to `LoginScene` which nobody would expect here? (yes, these are both rhetorical questions)

to 1. While I know what you mean, I'd still say that this goes beyond the scope of this branch.
to 2. While I know what you mean, I'd still say that this goes beyond the scope of this branch.

It seems as if one of the next branches should cleanup that in SceneContext. I could do it in that branch, but than this branch will have two completely separate tasks on it (and it would be eve larger than it already is).

to 1. While I know what you mean, I'd still say that this goes beyond the scope of this branch. to 2. While I know what you mean, I'd still say that this goes beyond the scope of this branch. It seems as if one of the next branches should cleanup that in SceneContext. I could do it in that branch, but than this branch will have two completely separate tasks on it (and it would be eve larger than it already is).

No, I think you are right. The cleanup should be performed inside a separate branch.

No, I think you are right. The cleanup should be performed inside a separate branch.

See #91

See #91
accelerators.put(new KeyCodeCombination(KeyCode.L, KeyCombination.CONTROL_DOWN, KeyCombination.SHIFT_DOWN), ShutdownHelper::logout);
accelerators.put(new KeyCodeCombination(KeyCode.L, KeyCombination.CONTROL_DOWN, KeyCombination.SHIFT_DOWN), UserUtil::logout);
// Add the option to open the settings scene with "Control"+"S", if being in
// chat scene

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import*;
import envoy.client.helper.ShutdownHelper;
import envoy.client.ui.SceneContext.SceneInfo;
import envoy.client.ui.controller.ChatScene;
import envoy.client.util.MessageUtil;
import envoy.client.util.*;
import envoy.util.EnvoyLog;
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public final class ChatSceneCommands {
// Logout initialization
builder.setAction(text -> ShutdownHelper.logout()).setDescription("Logs you out.").buildNoArg("logout");
builder.setAction(text -> UserUtil.logout()).setDescription("Logs you out.").buildNoArg("logout");
// Exit initialization
builder.setAction(text -> ShutdownHelper.exit()).setNumberOfArguments(0).setDescription("Exits the program.").build("exit", false);

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import javafx.application.Platform;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.collections.transformation.FilteredList;
import javafx.fxml.*;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.scene.control.*;
import javafx.scene.control.Alert.AlertType;
import javafx.scene.image.*;
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ import envoy.client.event.*;
import envoy.client.ui.*;
import envoy.client.ui.chatscene.*;
import envoy.client.ui.control.ChatControl;
import envoy.client.ui.control.*;
import envoy.client.ui.listcell.*;
import envoy.client.util.*;
@ -78,9 +79,6 @@ public final class ChatScene implements EventListener, Restorable {
private Button newContactButton;
private Label contactLabel;
private Label remainingChars;
@ -126,6 +124,12 @@ public final class ChatScene implements EventListener, Restorable {
private HBox contactSpecificOnlineOperations;
private HBox ownContactControl;
private Region spaceBetweenUserAndSettingsButton;
private Chat currentChat;
private FilteredList<Chat> chats;
private boolean recording;
@ -185,10 +189,16 @@ public final class ChatScene implements EventListener, Restorable {
chatList.setItems(chats = new FilteredList<>(localDB.getChats()));
// Set the design of the box in the upper-left corner
HBox.setHgrow(spaceBetweenUserAndSettingsButton, Priority.ALWAYS);
delvh marked this conversation as resolved

@DieGurke The region you requested is already here, but for some strange reason it doesn't work as expected.
Any idea why?
Feel free to take on that challenge, because I've tried it for about twenty minutes and could not get it to work.

@DieGurke The region you requested is already here, but for some strange reason it doesn't work as expected. Any idea why? Feel free to take on that challenge, because I've tried it for about twenty minutes and could not get it to work.

I could't fix it neither. Preferably you open an issue for that.

I could't fix it neither. Preferably you open an issue for that.
Platform.runLater(() -> {
final var online = client.isOnline();
// no check will be performed in case it has already been disabled - a negative
// GroupCreationResult might have been returned
if (!newGroupButton.isDisabled()) newGroupButton.setDisable(!online);
@ -260,6 +270,9 @@ public final class ChatScene implements EventListener, Restorable {
@Event(eventType = OwnStatusChange.class, priority = 50)
private void onOwnStatusChange() { generateOwnStatusControl(); }
private void onContactOperation(ContactOperation operation) {
final var contact = operation.get();
@ -706,6 +719,13 @@ public final class ChatScene implements EventListener, Restorable {
private void generateOwnStatusControl() {
delvh marked this conversation as resolved

You could annotate this as an event handler directly.

You could annotate this as an event handler directly.
final var ownUserControl = new ContactControl(localDB.getUser());
if (ownContactControl.getChildren().get(0) instanceof ContactControl) ownContactControl.getChildren().set(0, ownUserControl);
else ownContactControl.getChildren().add(0, ownUserControl);
// Context menu actions

View File

@ -4,10 +4,9 @@ import javafx.scene.control.*;
import envoy.client.event.ThemeChangeEvent;
import envoy.client.helper.ShutdownHelper;
import envoy.client.ui.StatusTrayIcon;
import envoy.client.util.UserUtil;
import envoy.event.UserStatusChange;
import dev.kske.eventbus.EventBus;
@ -64,18 +63,13 @@ public final class GeneralSettingsPane extends SettingsPane {
statusComboBox.setOnAction(e -> {
final var status = statusComboBox.getValue();
if (status == null) return;
else {
final var user = context.getLocalDB().getUser();
// TODO update status in ChatScene
context.getClient().send(new UserStatusChange(user.getID(), status));
else UserUtil.changeStatus(status);
final var logoutButton = new Button("Logout");
logoutButton.setOnAction(e -> ShutdownHelper.logout());
logoutButton.setOnAction(e -> UserUtil.logout());
final var logoutTooltip = new Tooltip("Brings you back to the login screen and removes \"remember me\" status from this account");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package envoy.client.util;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import javafx.scene.control.Alert;
import javafx.scene.control.Alert.AlertType;
import envoy.client.event.*;
import envoy.client.helper.*;
import envoy.client.ui.SceneContext.SceneInfo;
import envoy.event.UserStatusChange;
import envoy.util.EnvoyLog;
import dev.kske.eventbus.EventBus;
* Contains methods that change something about the currently logged in user.
* @author Leon Hofmeister
* @since Envoy Client v0.3-beta
public final class UserUtil {
private UserUtil() {}
* Logs the current user out and reopens
* {@link envoy.client.ui.controller.LoginScene}.
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
public static void logout() {
final var alert = new Alert(AlertType.CONFIRMATION);
alert.setContentText("Are you sure you want to log out?");
AlertHelper.confirmAction(alert, () -> {
EnvoyLog.getLogger(ShutdownHelper.class).log(Level.INFO, "A logout was requested");
EventBus.getInstance().dispatch(new EnvoyCloseEvent());
EventBus.getInstance().dispatch(new Logout());
* Notifies the application that the status of the currently logged in user has
* changed
* @param newStatus the new status
* @since Envoy Client v0.3-beta
public static void changeStatus(UserStatus newStatus) {
EventBus.getInstance().dispatch(new OwnStatusChange(newStatus));
Context.getInstance().getClient().send(new UserStatusChange(Context.getInstance().getLocalDB().getUser().getID(), newStatus));

View File

@ -161,44 +161,25 @@
fitHeight="43.0" fitWidth="43.0" pickOnBounds="true"
<Insets left="15.0" top="5.0" />
<Insets left="15.0" top="5.0" right="10.0" />
<Label id="transparent-background" fx:id="contactLabel"
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prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="100.0" spacing="5.0">
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<Region id="transparent-background" prefWidth="120"
fx:id="spaceBetweenUserAndSettingsButton" />
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onAction="#settingsButtonClicked" prefHeight="30.0"
prefWidth="30.0" text="">
prefWidth="30.0" text="" alignment="CENTER">
<Insets bottom="5.0" left="5.0" right="5.0" top="5.0" />
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