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import static java.util.function.Function.identity;
* Implements a configuration specific to the Envoy Client with default values
* and convenience methods.
* <p>
* Project: <strong>envoy-client</strong><br>
* File: <strong></strong><br>
* Created: <strong>01.03.2020</strong><br>
* @author Kai S. K. Engelbart
* @since Envoy Client v0.1-beta
public final class ClientConfig extends Config {
private static ClientConfig config;
* @return the singleton instance of the client config
* @since Envoy Client v0.1-beta
public static ClientConfig getInstance() {
if (config == null) config = new ClientConfig();
return config;
private ClientConfig() {
put("server", "s", identity());
put("port", "p", Integer::parseInt);
put("localDBSaveInterval", "db-si", Integer::parseInt);
* @return the host name of the Envoy server
* @since Envoy Client v0.1-alpha
public String getServer() { return (String) items.get("server").get(); }
* @return the port at which the Envoy server is located on the host
* @since Envoy Client v0.1-alpha
public Integer getPort() { return (Integer) items.get("port").get(); }
* @return the amount of minutes after which the local database should be saved
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
public Integer getLocalDBSaveInterval() { return (Integer) items.get("localDBSaveInterval").get(); }