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delvh 80795a3fc2 Add Ability to Delete Messages Locally (#70)
Merge branch 'develop' into f/delete-messages
Additionally added system commands to copy, delete or save attachments of selected messages

Reviewed-by: kske <>
Reviewed-by: DieGurke <>
2020-09-30 20:50:58 +02:00

378 lines
12 KiB

import java.nio.channels.*;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.*;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import javafx.collections.*;
import envoy.client.event.*;
import envoy.event.*;
import envoy.exception.EnvoyException;
import envoy.util.*;
import dev.kske.eventbus.Event;
import dev.kske.eventbus.EventBus;
import dev.kske.eventbus.EventListener;
* Stores information about the current {@link User} and their {@link Chat}s.
* For message ID generation a {@link IDGenerator} is stored as well.
* <p>
* The managed objects are stored inside a folder in the local file system.
* @author Kai S. K. Engelbart
* @since Envoy Client v0.3-alpha
public final class LocalDB implements EventListener {
// Data
private User user;
private Map<String, User> users = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
private ObservableList<Chat> chats = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
private IDGenerator idGenerator;
private CacheMap cacheMap = new CacheMap();
private String authToken;
// Auto save timer
private Timer autoSaver;
private boolean autoSaveRestart = true;
// State management
private Instant lastSync = Instant.EPOCH;
// Persistence
private File userFile;
private FileLock instanceLock;
private final File dbDir, idGeneratorFile, lastLoginFile, usersFile;
private static final Logger logger = EnvoyLog.getLogger(LocalDB.class);
* Constructs an empty local database.
* @param dbDir the directory in which to persist data
* @throws IOException if {@code dbDir} is a file (and not a directory)
* @throws EnvoyException if {@code dbDir} is in use by another Envoy instance
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
public LocalDB(File dbDir) throws IOException, EnvoyException {
this.dbDir = dbDir;
// Ensure that the database directory exists
if (!dbDir.exists()) dbDir.mkdirs();
else if (!dbDir.isDirectory()) throw new IOException(String.format("LocalDBDir '%s' is not a directory!", dbDir.getAbsolutePath()));
// Lock the directory
// Initialize global files
idGeneratorFile = new File(dbDir, "id_gen.db");
lastLoginFile = new File(dbDir, "last_login.db");
usersFile = new File(dbDir, "users.db");
// Load global files
// Initialize offline caches
cacheMap.put(Message.class, new Cache<>());
cacheMap.put(MessageStatusChange.class, new Cache<>());
* Ensured that only one Envoy instance is using this local database by creating
* a lock file.
* The lock file is deleted on application exit.
* @throws EnvoyException if the lock cannot by acquired
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
private synchronized void lock() throws EnvoyException {
final var file = new File(dbDir, "instance.lock");
try {
final var fc =, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE);
instanceLock = fc.tryLock();
if (instanceLock == null) throw new EnvoyException("Another Envoy instance is using this local database!");
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new EnvoyException("Could not create lock file!", e);
* Loads the local user registry {@code users.db}, the id generator
* {@code id_gen.db} and last login file {@code last_login.db}.
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
private synchronized void loadGlobalData() {
try {
try (var in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(usersFile))) {
users = (Map<String, User>) in.readObject();
idGenerator =, IDGenerator.class);
try (var in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(lastLoginFile))) {
user = (User) in.readObject();
authToken = (String) in.readObject();
} catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) {}
* Loads all data of the client user.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException if the loading process failed
* @throws IOException if the loading process failed
* @since Envoy Client v0.3-alpha
public synchronized void loadUserData() throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
if (user == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Client user is null, cannot initialize user storage");
userFile = new File(dbDir, user.getID() + ".db");
try (var in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(userFile))) {
chats = FXCollections.observableList((List<Chat>) in.readObject());
cacheMap = (CacheMap) in.readObject();
lastSync = (Instant) in.readObject();
} finally {
* Synchronizes the contact list of the client user with the chat and user
* storage.
* @since Envoy Client v0.1-beta
private void synchronize() {
user.getContacts().stream().filter(u -> u instanceof User && !users.containsKey(u.getName())).forEach(u -> users.put(u.getName(), (User) u));
users.put(user.getName(), user);
// Synchronize user status data
for (final var contact : users.values())
if (contact instanceof User) getChat(contact.getID()).ifPresent(chat -> { ((User) chat.getRecipient()).setStatus(contact.getStatus()); });
// Create missing chats
.filter(c -> !c.equals(user) && getChat(c.getID()).isEmpty())
.map(c -> c instanceof User ? new Chat(c) : new GroupChat(user, c))
* Initializes a timer that automatically saves this local database after a
* period of time specified in the settings.
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
public void initAutoSave() {
// A logout happened so the timer should be restarted
if (autoSaveRestart) {
autoSaver = new Timer("LocalDB Autosave", true);
autoSaveRestart = false;
autoSaver.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() { save(); }
}, 2000, ClientConfig.getInstance().getLocalDBSaveInterval() * 60000);
* Stores all users. If the client user is specified, their chats will be stored
* as well. The message id generator will also be saved if present.
* @throws IOException if the saving process failed
* @since Envoy Client v0.3-alpha
@Event(eventType = EnvoyCloseEvent.class, priority = 1000)
private synchronized void save() {
EnvoyLog.getLogger(LocalDB.class).log(Level.INFO, "Saving local database...");
// Save users
try {
SerializationUtils.write(usersFile, users);
// Save user data and last sync time stamp
if (user != null) SerializationUtils
.write(userFile, new ArrayList<>(chats), cacheMap, Context.getInstance().getClient().isOnline() ? : lastSync);
// Save last login information
if (authToken != null) SerializationUtils.write(lastLoginFile, user, authToken);
// Save ID generator
if (hasIDGenerator()) SerializationUtils.write(idGeneratorFile, idGenerator);
} catch (final IOException e) {
EnvoyLog.getLogger(LocalDB.class).log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to save local database: ", e);
@Event(priority = 150)
private void onMessage(Message msg) { if (msg.getStatus() == MessageStatus.SENT) msg.nextStatus(); }
@Event(priority = 150)
private void onGroupMessage(GroupMessage msg) {
// TODO: Cancel event once EventBus is updated
if (msg.getStatus() == MessageStatus.WAITING || msg.getStatus() == MessageStatus.READ)
logger.warning("The groupMessage has the unexpected status " + msg.getStatus());
@Event(priority = 150)
private void onMessageStatusChange(MessageStatusChange evt) { getMessage(evt.getID()).ifPresent(msg -> msg.setStatus(evt.get())); }
@Event(priority = 150)
private void onGroupMessageStatusChange(GroupMessageStatusChange evt) {
this.<GroupMessage>getMessage(evt.getID()).ifPresent(msg -> msg.getMemberStatuses().replace(evt.getMemberID(), evt.get()));
@Event(priority = 150)
private void onUserStatusChange(UserStatusChange evt) {
getChat(evt.getID()).map(Chat::getRecipient).map(User.class::cast).ifPresent(u -> u.setStatus(evt.get()));
@Event(priority = 150)
private void onGroupResize(GroupResize evt) { getChat(evt.getGroupID()).map(Chat::getRecipient).map(Group.class::cast).ifPresent(evt::apply); }
@Event(priority = 150)
private void onNameChange(NameChange evt) { -> c.getID() == evt.getID()).findAny().ifPresent(c -> c.setName(evt.get()));
* Stores a new authentication token.
* @param evt the event containing the authentication token
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
private void onNewAuthToken(NewAuthToken evt) { authToken = evt.get(); }
* Deletes all associations to the current user.
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
@Event(eventType = Logout.class, priority = 100)
private void onLogout() {
autoSaveRestart = true;
userFile = null;
user = null;
authToken = null;
lastSync = Instant.EPOCH;
* Deletes the message with the given ID, if present.
* @param message the event that was
* @since Envoy Client v0.3-beta
private void onMessageDeletion(MessageDeletion message) {
Platform.runLater(() -> {
// We suppose that messages have unique IDs, hence the search can be stopped
// once a message was removed
final var messageID = message.get();
for (final var chat : chats)
if (chat.remove(messageID)) break;
* @return a {@code Map<String, User>} of all users stored locally with their
* user names as keys
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-alpha
public Map<String, User> getUsers() { return users; }
* Searches for a message by ID.
* @param id the ID of the message to search for
* @return an optional containing the message
* @since Envoy Client v0.1-beta
public <T extends Message> Optional<T> getMessage(long id) {
return (Optional<T>) -> m.getID() == id).findAny();
* Searches for a chat by recipient ID.
* @param recipientID the ID of the chat's recipient
* @return an optional containing the chat
* @since Envoy Client v0.1-beta
public Optional<Chat> getChat(long recipientID) { return -> c.getRecipient().getID() == recipientID).findAny(); }
* @return all saved {@link Chat} objects that list the client user as the
* sender
* @since Envoy Client v0.1-alpha
public ObservableList<Chat> getChats() { return chats; }
* @return the {@link User} who initialized the local database
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-alpha
public User getUser() { return user; }
* @param user the user to set
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-alpha
public void setUser(User user) { this.user = user; }
* @return the message ID generator
* @since Envoy Client v0.3-alpha
public IDGenerator getIDGenerator() { return idGenerator; }
* @param idGenerator the message ID generator to set
* @since Envoy Client v0.3-alpha
@Event(priority = 150)
public void setIDGenerator(IDGenerator idGenerator) { this.idGenerator = idGenerator; }
* @return {@code true} if an {@link IDGenerator} is present
* @since Envoy Client v0.3-alpha
public boolean hasIDGenerator() { return idGenerator != null; }
* @return the cache map for messages and message status changes
* @since Envoy Client v0.1-beta
public CacheMap getCacheMap() { return cacheMap; }
* @return the time stamp when the database was last saved
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
public Instant getLastSync() { return lastSync; }
* @return the authentication token of the user
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
public String getAuthToken() { return authToken; }