package com.jenkov.nioserver; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.Selector; import java.util.*; /** * Created by jjenkov on 16-10-2015. */ public class ServerCore implements Runnable { private Queue inboundSocketQueue = null; private MessageBuffer readMessageBuffer = null; //todo Not used now - but perhaps will be later - to check for space in the buffer before reading from sockets private MessageBuffer writeMessageBuffer = null; //todo Not used now - but perhaps will be later - to check for space in the buffer before reading from sockets (space for more to write?) private IMessageReaderFactory messageReaderFactory = null; private Queue outboundMessageQueue = new LinkedList<>(); //todo use a better / faster queue. private Map socketMap = new HashMap<>(); private ByteBuffer readByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024 * 1024); private ByteBuffer writeByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024 * 1024); private Selector readSelector = null; private Selector writeSelector = null; private IMessageProcessor messageProcessor = null; private WriteProxy writeProxy = null; private long nextSocketId = 16 * 1024; //start incoming socket ids from 16K - reserve bottom ids for pre-defined sockets (servers). private Set emptyToNonEmptySockets = new HashSet<>(); private Set nonEmptyToEmptySockets = new HashSet<>(); public ServerCore(Queue inboundSocketQueue, MessageBuffer readMessageBuffer, MessageBuffer writeMessageBuffer, IMessageReaderFactory messageReaderFactory, IMessageProcessor messageProcessor) throws IOException { this.inboundSocketQueue = inboundSocketQueue; this.readMessageBuffer = readMessageBuffer; this.writeMessageBuffer = writeMessageBuffer; this.writeProxy = new WriteProxy(writeMessageBuffer, this.outboundMessageQueue); this.messageReaderFactory = messageReaderFactory; this.messageProcessor = messageProcessor; this.readSelector =; this.writeSelector =; } public void run() { while(true){ try{ executeCycle(); } catch(IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void executeCycle() throws IOException { takeNewSockets(); readFromSockets(); writeToSockets(); } public void takeNewSockets() throws IOException { Socket newSocket = this.inboundSocketQueue.poll(); while(newSocket != null){ newSocket.socketId = this.nextSocketId++; newSocket.socketChannel.configureBlocking(false); newSocket.messageReader = this.messageReaderFactory.createMessageReader(); newSocket.messageWriter = new MessageWriter(); this.socketMap.put(newSocket.socketId, newSocket); SelectionKey key = newSocket.socketChannel.register(this.readSelector, SelectionKey.OP_READ); key.attach(newSocket); newSocket = this.inboundSocketQueue.poll(); } } public void readFromSockets() throws IOException { int readReady = this.readSelector.selectNow(); if(readReady > 0){ Set selectedKeys = this.readSelector.selectedKeys(); Iterator keyIterator = selectedKeys.iterator(); while(keyIterator.hasNext()) { SelectionKey key =; readFromSocket(key); keyIterator.remove(); } selectedKeys.clear(); } } private void readFromSocket(SelectionKey key) throws IOException { Socket socket = (Socket) key.attachment();, this.readByteBuffer); List fullMessages = socket.messageReader.getMessages(); if(fullMessages.size() > 0){ for(Message message : fullMessages){ message.socketId = socket.socketId; this.messageProcessor.process(message, this.writeProxy); //the message processor will eventually push outgoing messages into an IMessageWriter for this socket. } fullMessages.clear(); } if(socket.endOfStreamReached){ System.out.println("Socket closed: " + socket.socketId); this.socketMap.remove(socket.socketId); key.attach(null); key.cancel();; } } public void writeToSockets() throws IOException { // Take all new messages from outboundMessageQueue takeNewOutboundMessages(); // Cancel all sockets which have no more data to write. cancelEmptySockets(); // Register all sockets that *have* data and which are not yet registered. registerNonEmptySockets(); // Select from the Selector. int writeReady = this.writeSelector.selectNow(); if(writeReady > 0){ Set selectionKeys = this.writeSelector.selectedKeys(); Iterator keyIterator = selectionKeys.iterator(); while(keyIterator.hasNext()){ SelectionKey key =; Socket socket = (Socket) key.attachment(); socket.messageWriter.write(socket, this.writeByteBuffer); if(socket.messageWriter.isEmpty()){ this.nonEmptyToEmptySockets.add(socket); } keyIterator.remove(); } selectionKeys.clear(); } } private void registerNonEmptySockets() throws ClosedChannelException { for(Socket socket : emptyToNonEmptySockets){ socket.socketChannel.register(this.writeSelector, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE, socket); } emptyToNonEmptySockets.clear(); } private void cancelEmptySockets() { for(Socket socket : nonEmptyToEmptySockets){ SelectionKey key = socket.socketChannel.keyFor(this.writeSelector); key.cancel(); } nonEmptyToEmptySockets.clear(); } private void takeNewOutboundMessages() { Message outMessage = this.outboundMessageQueue.poll(); while(outMessage != null){ Socket socket = this.socketMap.get(outMessage.socketId); if(socket != null){ MessageWriter messageWriter = socket.messageWriter; if(messageWriter.isEmpty()){ messageWriter.enqueue(outMessage); nonEmptyToEmptySockets.remove(socket); emptyToNonEmptySockets.add(socket); //not necessary if removed from nonEmptyToEmptySockets in prev. statement. } else{ messageWriter.enqueue(outMessage); } } outMessage = this.outboundMessageQueue.poll(); } } }