JavaFX Integration #4

kske merged 4 commits from f/javafx into develop 2021-12-16 12:05:50 +01:00

Closes #3

Closes #3
kske added the
label 2021-12-14 20:48:30 +01:00
kske self-assigned this 2021-12-14 20:48:30 +01:00
kske added 3 commits 2021-12-14 20:48:31 +01:00
Add javafx module
Some checks failed
zdm/undo-redo/pipeline/head There was a failure building this commit
The undo-redo-javafx module will contain the JavaFX-compatible API for
Add ObservableChangeManager interface with wrapper implementation
All checks were successful
zdm/undo-redo/pipeline/head This commit looks good
kske requested review from delvh 2021-12-14 20:48:34 +01:00
kske requested review from mpk 2021-12-14 20:48:34 +01:00
mpk started working 2021-12-15 11:42:42 +01:00
mpk approved these changes 2021-12-15 11:44:02 +01:00
mpk left a comment

Looks good

Looks good
mpk worked for 1min 22s 2021-12-15 11:44:04 +01:00
delvh started working 2021-12-15 12:00:14 +01:00
delvh requested changes 2021-12-15 14:09:33 +01:00
@ -24,1 +24,4 @@
public Optional<C> getLastChange() {
return index == -1 ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(changes.get(index));

index < 0

`index < 0`
kske marked this conversation as resolved
@ -44,0 +53,4 @@
* @since 0.0.1

I see you noticed the problem when adding a new test that has to be executed earlier:
You have to increment all subsequent priorities.
For this reason I propose another mechanism for using @Order: Instead of @Order(n), we should use @Order(10^n) for the tests that are created when creating the class.
Adding newer tests is then as simple as using @Order(10^n / i) where i is the amount of other elements with that order.
That way, when we have the basic tests, we don't have to subsequently change all indices below them when adding newer tests.

Take the following example:
@Order(1), @Order(2), @Order(3), @Order(4), @Order(5) are the tests we created initially.
Now, we add @Order(2b), @Order(3a), @Order(3c) and @Order(6). With our mechanism, that is pretty inefficient.
With my method, we would have initially
@Order(10), @Order(100), @Order(1 000), @Order(10 000), @Order(100 000).
Now, we simply add @Order(150), @Order(500), @Order(1 500) and @Order(1 000 000).
And then we're done.

I see you noticed the problem when adding a new test that has to be executed earlier: You have to increment all subsequent priorities. For this reason I propose another mechanism for using `@Order`: Instead of `@Order(n)`, we should use `@Order(10^n)` for the tests that are created when creating the class. Adding newer tests is then as simple as using `@Order(10^n / i)` where `i` is the amount of other elements with that order. That way, when we have the basic tests, we don't have to subsequently change all indices below them when adding newer tests. Take the following example: `@Order(1)`, `@Order(2)`, `@Order(3)`, `@Order(4)`, `@Order(5)` are the tests we created initially. Now, we add `@Order(2b)`, `@Order(3a)`, `@Order(3c)` and `@Order(6)`. With our mechanism, that is pretty inefficient. With my method, we would have initially `@Order(10)`, `@Order(100)`, `@Order(1 000)`, `@Order(10 000)`, `@Order(100 000)`. Now, we simply add `@Order(150)`, `@Order(500)`, `@Order(1 500)` and `@Order(1 000 000)`. And then we're done.

How would you deal with a class that has more than nine tests?

How would you deal with a class that has more than nine tests?

Bring out my "division by 2" skills again.
Also, you first need to have 9 tests that depend on order.
In most cases, tests should not depend on a specific order.

Bring out my "division by 2" skills again. Also, you first need to have 9 tests that depend on order. In most cases, tests should not depend on a specific order.

I would prefer having gaps of 10, or maybe 100, but with exponential gaps, the rule is unnecessarily complex and we can easily surpass Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2, which is the default order for JUnit tests, leading to unexpected results for tests without an explicitly defined order.

I would prefer having gaps of 10, or maybe 100, but with exponential gaps, the rule is unnecessarily complex and we can easily surpass `Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2`, which is the default order for JUnit tests, leading to unexpected results for tests without an explicitly defined order.

That's another possibility.
I don't care.
Should we use the notation @Order(10n) then?

That's another possibility. I don't care. Should we use the notation `@Order(10n)` then?
kske marked this conversation as resolved
@ -0,0 +21,4 @@

Shouldn't it be provided?

Otherwise we run into version problems...

Shouldn't it be `provided`? Otherwise we run into version problems...

A project using this library should be able to use any JavaFX version >= 11. A fixed version would be defined like this: [11]. <scope>provided</scope> assumes that the dependency is present in some kind of runtime container, like the JDK or a Java EE container, which isn't the case here.

A project using this library should be able to use any JavaFX version >= 11. A fixed version would be defined like this: `[11]`. `<scope>provided</scope>` assumes that the dependency is present in some kind of runtime container, like the JDK or a Java EE container, which isn't the case here.

I thought that was exactly the goal behind provided: To declare that any version of JavaFX is possible, as long as it is present...

I thought that was exactly the goal behind `provided`: To declare that any version of JavaFX is possible, as long as it is present...

I don't think the scope has anything to do with the version:

There is a possibility to specify version ranger, but the default should be sufficient for us:

I don't think the scope has anything to do with the version: There is a possibility to specify version ranger, but the default should be sufficient for us:
@ -0,0 +8,4 @@
* Wraps an ordinary change manager into an observable change manager, providing the required
* properties for concrete implementations.
The properties have exactly the same name as their corresponding `-property()` methods and can be called i.e. as binding under exactly that name. Alternatively, the names are available as constants.
```java <p> The properties have exactly the same name as their corresponding `-property()` methods and can be called i.e. as binding under exactly that name. Alternatively, the names are available as constants. ```
kske marked this conversation as resolved
@ -0,0 +18,4 @@
public class ChangeManagerWrapper<C extends Change, M extends ChangeManager<C>>
implements ObservableChangeManager<C> {
protected ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<C> lastChange =

I have to say, I like that you were even able to implement it without having to use listeners.
Maybe we should add a paragraph in the Javadoc of ChangeManager that that is the preferred way to listen to changes.

I also like that our implementation seems to be

  1. less filesystem-space consuming (amount of classes and modules)
  2. less memory consuming during runtime (we only use the necessary objects unlike UndoFX which creates an object storing the current position whenever you undo or redo something...)
  3. far more readable (I have no idea what UndoFX is doing at any point)
  4. without weird dependencies that make no sense at all
  5. conformant with JavaFX coding standard
  6. more performant as there are no listeners and callbacks and equals that are always tested
I have to say, I like that you were even able to implement it without having to use listeners. Maybe we should add a paragraph in the Javadoc of `ChangeManager` that that is the preferred way to listen to changes. I also like that our implementation seems to be 1. less filesystem-space consuming (amount of classes and modules) 2. less memory consuming during runtime (we only use the necessary objects unlike `UndoFX` which creates an object storing the current position whenever you undo or redo something...) 3. far more readable (I have no idea what UndoFX is doing at any point) 4. without weird dependencies that make no sense at all 5. conformant with JavaFX coding standard 6. more performant as there are no listeners and callbacks and equals that are always tested

UndoFX might be more flexible in some cases (e.g. non-linear history and such), but for our and most other purposes this solution should be more than enough.

UndoFX might be more flexible in some cases (e.g. non-linear history and such), but for our and most other purposes this solution should be more than enough.
@ -0,0 +19,4 @@
implements ObservableChangeManager<C> {
protected ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<C> lastChange =
new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(this, "lastChange");

Perhaps we should extract these names into public static final constants to avoid confusion.

Perhaps we should extract these names into `public static final` constants to avoid confusion.

You mean the string literal? So for every property that is declared we would declare another constant?

You mean the string literal? So for every property that is declared we would declare another constant?



But what purpose should this have? When would it be used?

But what purpose should this have? When would it be used?

Bindings.bind(someProperty, ChangeManagerWrapper.UndoAvailable) or however it is called.

`Bindings.bind(someProperty, ChangeManagerWrapper.UndoAvailable)` or however it is called.
kske marked this conversation as resolved
@ -0,0 +29,4 @@
protected final M manager;
protected ChangeManagerWrapper(M manager) {

Wait, protected?
How do you instantiate one then? Do you really have to create your own class? Isn't that a bit overkill?

Wait, protected? How do you instantiate one then? Do you really have to create your own class? Isn't that a bit overkill?

I think the wrapper can be concrete, but should be open for extension in case we want a wrapper for a change manager with additional methods.

I think the wrapper can be concrete, but should be open for extension in case we want a wrapper for a change manager with additional methods.
kske marked this conversation as resolved
@ -0,0 +54,4 @@
return true;
return false;

Wait, what was the result of the last discussion we had about that?
I can't remember, and I don't remember either which PR in which project it was where we talked about that.

Wait, what was the result of the last discussion we had about that? I can't remember, and I don't remember either which PR in which project it was where we talked about that.

We discussed this in #2. I think @DieGurke resolved the suggestion as we didn't reach a conclusion after stating our opinions.

We discussed this in #2. I think @DieGurke resolved the suggestion as we didn't reach a conclusion after stating our opinions.
delvh marked this conversation as resolved
@ -0,0 +7,4 @@
import dev.kske.undoredo.core.*;
* @param <C> the change type to store in this change manager

Purpose of this interface?

Purpose of this interface?
kske marked this conversation as resolved
@ -0,0 +8,4 @@
exports dev.kske.undoredo.javafx;
requires dev.kske.undoredo.core;

requires transitive?

`requires transitive`?

The core module doesn't have any dependencies, so this shouldn't make a difference.

The core module doesn't have any dependencies, so this shouldn't make a difference.

I think transitive is meant for the other way around:
Not that we require all dependencies from that module,
but that modules requiring our module also automatically require the core module.

I think `transitive` is meant for the other way around: Not that we require all dependencies from that module, but that modules requiring our module also automatically require the `core` module.
kske marked this conversation as resolved
delvh canceled time tracking 2021-12-15 14:11:49 +01:00
delvh added spent time 35min 2021-12-15 14:12:03 +01:00
kske added 1 commit 2021-12-16 10:22:41 +01:00
JavaFX reflective access + Javadoc + @delvh
All checks were successful
zdm/undo-redo/pipeline/head This commit looks good
* Allow reflective access to the JavaFX module for javafx.base
* Add space to the unit test orders
* Improve Javadoc
* Add @delvh as developer
kske requested review from delvh 2021-12-16 10:22:56 +01:00
delvh approved these changes 2021-12-16 12:00:51 +01:00
kske merged commit fa5c2419bf into develop 2021-12-16 12:05:50 +01:00
kske deleted branch f/javafx 2021-12-16 12:05:50 +01:00
This repo is archived. You cannot comment on pull requests.
No Reviewers
3 Participants
Total Time Spent: 36 minutes
1 minute
35 minutes
Due Date
No due date set.

No dependencies set.

Reference: zdm/undo-redo#4
No description provided.